Show Quota

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by stef157, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. stef157

    stef157 Member

    Hi all,
    I've a problem with the quota… there is no value

    Here is my fstab.

    An idea how to fix it ?

    Thanks !
    # <file system>	<mount point>	<type>	<options>	<dump>	<pass>
    /dev/md2	/	ext4	errors=remount-ro,relatime,usrjquota=quota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0	0	1
    /dev/md4	/var	ext4	defaults,relatime	1	2
    /dev/sda3	swap	swap	defaults	0	0
    /dev/sdb3	swap	swap	defaults	0	0
    proc		/proc	proc	defaults		0	0
    sysfs		/sys	sysfs	defaults		0	0
    tmpfs		/dev/shm	tmpfs	defaults	0	0
    devpts		/dev/pts	devpts	defaults	0	0
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter


    please paste the output of


  3. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    You have no quota enabled for your /var partition.
    Note the differences between the entry / and /var in the fstab.
    Add the quota options to the file, then enable quota
    quotaon -avugm
  4. stef157

    stef157 Member

    so for cat /proc/user_beancounters
    cat: /proc/user_beancounters: No such file or directory
    for repquota -avug
    *** Report for user quotas on device /dev/md2
    Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days
                            Block limits                File limits
    User            used    soft    hard  grace    used  soft  hard  grace
    root      -- 3724276       0       0         116462     0     0       
    www-data  --      56       0       0              1     0     0       
    bind      --       4       0       0              1     0     0       
    web1      --       0 1024000 1025024              0     0     0       
    web39     -- 1014012       0       0          15986     0     0       
    web123    --    1192       0       0              2     0     0       
    mysql     --      24       0       0             20     0     0       
    clamav    --       4       0       0              1     0     0       
    getmail   --       8       0       0              2     0     0       
    ispconfig --   72300       0       0           9374     0     0       
    #500      --      36       0       0              8     0     0       
    #5005     --       0  204800  205824              0     0     0       
    #100388   --     740       0       0            139     0     0       
    #501      --  139284       0       0          16797     0     0       
    #1000     --     152       0       0              7     0     0       
    Total blocks: 13
    Data blocks: 2
    Entries: 15
    Used average: 7.500000
    *** Report for group quotas on device /dev/md2
    Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days
                            Block limits                File limits
    Group           used    soft    hard  grace    used  soft  hard  grace
    root      -- 3699032       0       0         113955     0     0       
    bin       --     932       0       0            239     0     0       
    adm       --       4       0       0              1     0     0       
    tty       --      40       0       0              2     0     0       
    mail      --      12       0       0              1     0     0       
    www-data  --      84       0       0              4     0     0       
    list      --   10092       0       0           1969     0     0       
    shadow    --     124       0       0              5     0     0       
    utmp      --     412       0       0              1     0     0       
    staff     --  151540       0       0          16884     0     0       
    users     --     740       0       0            139     0     0       
    crontab   --      36       0       0              1     0     0       
    ssh       --     128       0       0              1     0     0       
    bind      --     672       0       0            161     0     0       
    mlocate   --      36       0       0              1     0     0       
    client3   -- 1015204       0       0          15988     0     0       
    mysql     --      24       0       0             20     0     0       
    dovecot   --      24       0       0              5     0     0       
    ssl-cert  --       8       0       0              2     0     0       
    postfix   --      80       0       0             20     0     0       
    postdrop  --      40       0       0              2     0     0       
    messagebus --     292       0       0              1     0     0       
    ispconfig --   72340       0       0           9382     0     0       
    munin     --       4       0       0              1     0     0       
    #500      --      36       0       0              8     0     0       
    #1000     --     152       0       0              7     0     0       
    Total blocks: 10
    Data blocks: 2
    Entries: 26
    Used average: 13.000000

    If I read correctly, I've to put this on the /var ?
  5. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    I don't know if relatime is neccessary, but for the rest: yes.
  6. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yes please apply the quota on "/var" similarily as you done on "/"

  7. stef157

    stef157 Member

    It's done but I can't "quotaon" cause the disk is busy…

    An idea how to do it ?
  8. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    mount -o remount /var
    quotaoff -avug
    quotacheck -avumg
    quotaon -avug
    should work.
  9. stef157

    stef157 Member

    perfect !
    Thanks !
  10. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    You might need to run Extras -> resync in ISPConfig to write all quota for existing sites.
  11. stef157

    stef157 Member

    If I wait one or two days it will not work automatically ?
  12. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    The quota will work from now on, but the quota limit won't.
    The limit is written to disk when a website is created or updated and the quota system was not running at this time.
    So you have to update all webs or write their config again by doing the resync.

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