Simple Apache 2 Tomcat 5 Integration with Debian 3.1

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by fernandoch, Apr 9, 2006.

  1. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  2. wacind

    wacind New Member

    this tutorial has been very helpful, i've set up everything as described but i am still trying to figure one thing out.

    i would like to be able to run the jsp files from my public_html folder not from the webapps folder.
    I have done quite a bit of searching for this and have also gone through tutorial by C. Troy Popplewell. Ive also tried changing the context.xml file but without any luck.
    Can anyone point me out how i can get this done.
    I am using ubuntu edgy

  3. diamondpearl

    diamondpearl New Member

    Integrating Tomcat 5 and Apache 2in Unix Server

    Hi Dudes,
    I am having the following things installed in unix server.

    Apache:HP-UX Apache-based Web Server A.

    Tomcat:Tomcat 5.5.20

    How to integrate both of them?

    For unix based server what confguration needs to be done?

    Steps required to configure?

    Where can i get the connector files?

    Please help me to solve this...!

    In Apache conf folder mod_jk and both files are there?Which one i have to use it?

    Thanks in Advance...!

  4. topdog

    topdog Active Member

  5. nulix31

    nulix31 New Member


    I had the same issue: apache and tomcat worked correctly respectively on ports 80 and 8080, but the redirection with mod_jk did not work.

    I set JkLogLevel=debug instead of info in apache2.conf.
    I obtained the following message in mod_jk.log:
    "missing uri map for localhost.localdomain:/jsp-examples"

    I corrected this when adding the following JkMount statement in Apache virtual hosts configuration file:
    NameVirtualHost *
    <VirtualHost *>
    JkMount /jsp-examples/* worker1

    I hope this can help.

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