Today I will tell you howto setup box which run SMS Gateway with Ubuntu server 9.10, playsms and smstools3. My box: Intel P4 My cell phone: picture Create new box with Ubuntu server 9.10. If you don't know, you can google Softwares install: only choose SSH Install finished ->Reboot->Logon then active root account, code: sudo passwd root Logout then login with root and we later we do everything with root too. Upgrade box, code: apt-get update apt-get upgrade -y Install some software, code: apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-cli php5-cgi php-pear php-db phpmyadmin make gcc sendmail lynx When box ask password, I choose 111111 for all Add playsms user, code: adduser playsms Then, code: mkdir -p /var/www/playsms mkdir -p /var/spool/playsms mkdir -p /var/log/playsms chown -R www-data /var/www/playsms chown -R www-data /var/spool/playsms chown -R www-data /var/log/playsms wget 0.9.4/playsms-0.9.4.tar.gz/download Unzip, code: tar -zxvf playsms-0.9.4.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src cd /usr/local/src/playsms-0.9.4/web cp -rR * /var/www/playsms chown -R www-data /var/www/playsms mysqladmin -u root -p create playsms When box ask password, type: 111111 Code: mysql -u root -p playsms < /usr/local/src/playsms-0.9.4/db/playsms.sql When box ask password, type: 111111 Code: cd /var/www/playsms cp config-dist.php config.php nano config.php Please find rootpassword (on line 8) and replace with 111111. Save and exit. Code: cd /usr/local/src/playsms-0.9.4/bin cp playsmsd playsmsd.php playsmsd_start /usr/local/bin/ cp playsms /etc/default/ nano /etc/init.d/rc.local Add: /usr/local/bin/playsmsd_start on the bottom of the file (before exit if theres exit command). This way playsmsd_start will start automatically on boot. Save and exit. Get static for NIC, code: nano /etc/network/interfaces Delete all and replace with: # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway Edit /etc/resolv.conf, code: nano /etc/resolv.conf Delete all and replace with: nameserver Reboot, code: reboot Login with root, download file, code: wget Unzip, code: tar -zxvf smstools3-3.1.3.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src cd /usr/local/src/smstools3 make Code: make install Code: cd /usr/local/src/playsms-0.9.4 cp contrib/smstools/smsd.conf /etc/ nano /etc/smsd.conf Please find ttyUSB0 (on line 27) and replace with ttyACM0. Save and exit. Code: mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/checked mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/failed mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/incoming mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/outgoing mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/sent mkdir -p /var/log/sms chown -R www-data /var/spool/sms update-rc.d sms3 defaults reboot Browse http://localhost/playsms/ and login using default administrator user username: admin password: admin click Gateway, click Manage smstools, click (click here to active) Reboot box, code: reboot Enjoy Thanks: More picture at:
What model phone are you using? is there a hardware compatibility list somewhere with phones / modems that are compatible... Excellent article!
two things (1) rather use this to submit the howto: and format it nicely (2) use Ubuntu 10.04 - it's the latest LTS release
Thank you To corysquires: This is my phone: And V3 works good too: I try Nokia but don't work. I not yet try another brand. To Onn: Sorry, I take long time. I'm too busy. And this is may computer: If do not run, you try. Code: lsusb My quote: You will see your phone on list (Motorola PCS Triplet GSM Phone (AT)). Code: ls /dev/tty* My quote: You will see /dev/ttyAMC0 on list. Make sure your wire is good. RUN SMS SERVER ON REAL COMPUTER. DO NOT RUN ON VMWARE. When you send SMS, box send immediately. When recived SMS, box wait about 3 to 20 seconds. This box help me alot to take care my bussiness. Example: when I have disscount, I can send SMS to my custommer; when I fix finish their something, I can tell them; when they want to know my price, they send SMS to box: : "PR xxxx" (with xxxx is my service) , box will automatic send back to them my prices which I set... Can you try again. Good luck. To sjau: I will try . Thanks. PS: When I have time, I will tell you how to setup box which remind you via email when he recived SMS.
Moto Drivers Hi I plug in the phone to USB and Ubuntu does not recognize, are there additional drivers to load?
You don't need more drive. Make sure everything clean and stick together. When you plug phone into box, phone be charging too. This is my wires: (picture below) When I used the cheap one, Ubuntu does not recognize: I don't know how about the expensive one and another phone. Your phone same my phone? Good luck!
Hi I tried with the Motorola RAZR.... without success... I run the lsusb and I got Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 002 Device 002: ID 22b8:4902 Motorola PCS Triplet GSM Phone (AT) Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 058f:6362 Alcor Micro Corp. Hi-Speed 21-in-1 Flash Card Reader/Writer (Internal/External) Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub I try to send sms without success.... any suggestion please.....? Thanks
SMS Gateway with Ubuntu server 10.10, playsms and smstools3. Today I will tell you howto setup box which run SMS Gateway with Ubuntu server 10.10, playsms and smstools3. My box: -Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2200 @ 2.20GHz, 2 cores -Memory: 2G My cell phone: - - And this phone works good too: We have 4 steps: -Setup Ubuntu server 10.10 box. -Install Playsms. -Install Smstools3. -Config Playsms. 1/- Setup Ubuntu server 10.10 box: -Create new box with Ubuntu server 10.10. If you don't know, this link will help you: -When box get dhcp IP address, press Cancel (remember do quickly), then input IP manual. In my case, my IP is: Netmask: Gateway: Name server address: -When box ask Host name, I choose: cat.mouse. (We use Sendmail to send email to remind us when box recieves sms. And if you don't want Ubuntu startup slows down at Starting Mail Transport Agent (MTA) sendmail you have to choose long hostname, example: "cat.mouse". If you choose short name: "catmouse", box boot up, box shutdown and box remind you when sms come is very slow.) -When box ask software to install, only choose OpenSSH. Finish install, reboot box. Logon and active root account: Code: sudo passwd root Logout then login with root and later do everything with root too. Upgrade box: Code: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y Reboot box: Code: reboot 2/- Install Playsms: Logon with root and install some softwares: Code: apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-cli php5-cgi php-pear php-db phpmyadmin libapache2-mod-php5 gcc sendmail When box ask password, I choose 111111 for all. ( ) Add playsms user: Code: adduser playsms Create playSMS web root, spool and log and set ownership to user www-data: Code: mkdir -p /var/www/playsms mkdir -p /var/spool/playsms mkdir -p /var/log/playsms chown -R www-data /var/www/playsms chown -R www-data /var/spool/playsms chown -R www-data /var/log/playsms Download Playsms: Code: wget Unzip: Code: tar -zxvf playsms- -C /usr/local/src Copy files and directories inside 'web' directory to playSMS web root and set ownership again to user www-data: Code: cd /usr/local/src/playsms- cp -rR * /var/www/playsms chown -R www-data /var/www/playsms Setup database: Code: mysqladmin -u root -p create playsms When box ask password, type: 111111 then press Enter. Code: mysql -u root -p playsms < /usr/local/src/playsms- When box ask password, type: 111111 then press Enter. Copy config-dist.php to config.php and edit config.php: Code: cd /var/www/playsms cp config-dist.php config.php Fill required field with coutious in config.php file: Code: nano config.php Please find rootpassword (on line 8) and replace with 111111 then save and exit. Enter bin directory, copy playsms, playsmsd, playsmsd.php, playsmsd_start to directory default: Code: cd /usr/local/src/playsms- cp playsmsd playsmsd.php playsmsd_start /usr/local/bin/ cp playsms /etc/default/ Make playsmsd_start will start automatically on boot: Code: nano /etc/init.d/rc.local Add bellow quote into the bottom of the file (before exit if theres exit command) then save and exit: 3/- Install Smstools3: Download Smstools3: Code: wget Unzip: Code: tar -zxvf smstools3-3.1.14.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src Installing smstools3: Code: cd /usr/local/src/smstools3 make make install Back to playSMS source directory, copy smsd.conf from contrib/smstools/ to /etc: Code: cd /usr/local/src/playsms- cp contrib/smstools/smsd.conf /etc/ Plug cellphone into box. Make sure everything clean and stick together. When you plug phone into box, phone be charging too. Make sure Ubuntu recognize cellphone: Code: lsusb In my case, quote like this: Findown where usb port cellphone use: Code: ls /dev/tty* In my case, quote like this: Config smsd.conf: Code: nano /etc/smsd.conf Please find ttyUSB0 (on line 27) and replace with ttyACM0 then save and exit. Create some important directories for smstools3: Code: mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/checked mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/failed mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/incoming mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/outgoing mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/sent mkdir -p /var/log/sms Change permissions on some directories so that web server user can write files on it: Code: chown -R www-data /var/spool/sms To get smstools3 running automatically on every boot, type this command: Code: update-rc.d sms3 defaults Reboot box: Code: reboot 4/- Config Playsms: On client open web browser, at address type: Login using default administrator user: ( ) username: admin password: admin ( ) Then click Gateway, click Manage smstools, click (click here to active) ( ) Everything keep default. Logon server and reboot box: reboot Now you can send and recived sms with Playsms. Good luck! Thanks: PS: - I do everything with real computer not "cloud" computer. - When I send sms, box wait from 3 to 10 second then sms will be send. - When I recived sms, box wait from 3 to 10 second then sms will be recived. - For more information you can visit this link: More picture at:
Please, I use Nokia 6310i for your setup. I can send sms but I can't receive and I don't even get any error. What could be the cause?
i`m indonesia, so i`m sorry if my english is bad...i wanna ask something 1. after rebooting my ubuntu i have to restart smstool by /etc/init.d/sms3 stop, then /etc/init.d/sms3 start, if not the message will never delivered 2. i also have to run command /usr/local/bin/playsmsd_start stop than /usr/local/bin/playsmsd_start start after rebooting, if not the status of message will never delivered,.. what is the problem?how i can fix it? thank you answering my questions...
Are there any errors in your logs? You could add the commands to /etc/rc.local, this is the last script to be executed in the boot process so that you don't have to do this manually: Code: /etc/init.d/sms3 stop /etc/init.d/sms3 start /usr/local/bin/playsmsd_start stop /usr/local/bin/playsmsd_start start
smtp settings Hi, excellent post, i use your explanatiosn and my smstools+playsms work fine! my problem is the smtp settings, i dont know how to make to send mail from playsms using my ubuntu box. You can help me? (and sorry for my bad english !) thanks a lot. Mariano Porcile
Add bellow quote into the bottom of the file (before exit if theres exit command) then save and exit: Are there any errors in your logs?