smtp auth in one domain

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by niklaus, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. niklaus

    niklaus New Member

    Hi Team,

    Can I ask for a little help for Postfix smtp auth, so when a user from domain sends an email to a user in the same domain not required option "My Server Require auth", when sent to another domain requires the option is enabled.
    Can even when users send emails to the same domain eg [email protected] -> [email protected] be required "My Server Require auth"?

    I use: CentOS 6.5/Posfix/Dovecot/ISPconfig3 :eek:

    Best regards,
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This would not make much sense as this would enable authentication for each incomg email. A mailserver has to accept emails for a domain that he is responsible for without authentication, otherwise you would have to send a password upfront to everyone that wanst to contact you.
  3. niklaus

    niklaus New Member

    Oppss sorry, may not be expressed properly,
    Can the option 'My Server Requires Authentication' the customer is required even when users send emails to each other in the same domain example to [email protected].

    I testing and customer [email protected] can send an email to [email protected] without the included tick 'My Server Requires Authentication' in the MS Outlook 2007.

    Best regards,
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I understood your question and I explained above why this cant be the case as it would disable all mail receiving from external sources as well.
  5. niklaus

    niklaus New Member

    Hi Team,

    Can the "My Server Require Auth" is mandatory for all who will send emails because default can send emails without this option is enabled, shown in attached file.

    Best regards,

    Attached Files:

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Nobody can send emails to external domains without authentication on your server and thats the purüose of smtp authentication. What you mix up here is local and external domains. Authentication for a local domain makes no sense at all as this would disable mail receiving for all accounts and it would require that you tell e.g. anybody that wants to send an email TO one of your mail accounts a password by phone first.
  7. niklaus

    niklaus New Member

  8. niklaus

    niklaus New Member

    Hi Team,

    Can activate "My Server Require Auth" when sending in the internal domain.

    Best regards,

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