Hello, Using: ISPConfig Version: and because of implementing ispconfig_htaccess.php, I can no longer access Softaculous. I get error: "SOAP Error: Authorization Required" (It doesn't produce any login options) Is there anyway to alter .htaccess to allow for Softaculous or any other work around? Thanks.
I dont know how softacolous accesses ispconfig. If it uses the remote API, then you can allow the IP address from where it accesses the api in th .htaccess file: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66751
Thank You! Yes Softaculous uses remote API. Per your Fix, I added to .htaccess: AuthType Basic AuthName "Login" AuthUserFile /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/.htpasswd require valid-user ***ADDED BELOW*** Order allow,deny Allow from 123.45.678.90 (IP of server) satisfy any It Worked. Thanks again.