I have a problem viewing stats in Firefox and Chrome. I access them with my.website.com/stats then i login but all i get is an select with the months the awstats is logging for the website. but if i try to open it in edge i get an error that it can't display the frame but it loads the stats in new window. I'm running ISPConfig 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server that i installed with your How To: perfect-server-ubuntu-14.04-apache2-php-mysql-pureftpd-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3 I've attached pictures that display the problem. Any one have an idea what is causing this?
Works now! My boss added the X-Frame-Options: DENY in a conf-avalible file and I found it while serching for a different error.
To clarify for others searching for this, having `X-Frame-Options: DENY` header prevents the site from loading in frames at all, so removing that header fixed error/problem. You might try `X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN` instead, which prevents your site from being loaded in frames on other domains only.