[solved] www. instead of https://

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by niemand-glaumy, Mar 6, 2019.

  1. Servus!
    I had some similiar problem before, broke the system and failed three times to set it up again. Four times is a charm, so here I am again. -.-

    I just freshly installed ISPC on a clean ubuntu 18.04 dedicated Hyper-V server.
    Everything finally works great, except one thing:

    When I type "domain.tld" into my browser, it leads to "www.domain.tld"
    www.domain.tld leads to the default page.
    It SHOULD lead to https://domain.tld - which works fine.

    In the page settings of said Website, "Auto-Subdomain" is set to "none".

    I'd like to know which file to edit which way to solve my problem.

  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you turm on
    Rewrite HTTP to HTTPS:
    in website rediret tab?
    niemand-glaumy likes this.
  3. Ah!
    I did now, for now it does not forward to https://, but the www.domain.tld displays the correct content. Thanks for that, I am happy with that.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ensure that you have dns a-records for the domain and the www domain if you want to redirect one to the other and both from http to https. And auto subdomain must be set to www, otherwise this domain does not exist at all in the config and you must end up on the default page.

    And you don't edit any files for that, these are all settings inside the ISPConfig UI.
    niemand-glaumy likes this.
  5. Alright. I think understood now. For everyone with a similiar problem, here's what I set:
    ISPC => Sites => Website => klick on site entry in the list to edit.
    Auto subdomain: www
    SSL+LE SSL: [v]

    Tab: Redirect
    Type: No Redirect
    Path stays Empty
    SEO Redirect: www.domain.tld => domain.tld
    Rewrite HTTP to HTTPS: [v]

    That correct?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, that's ok. It will redirect all http traffic to https and all traffic for www.domain.tld to domain.tld
    niemand-glaumy likes this.
  7. Perfect, that's what I wanted.
    Thanks for the help, both of you!

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