Some kind of a bug?!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by SkIRmiS, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. SkIRmiS

    SkIRmiS New Member

    For easiest understanding me, i put a few images here.

    1. I wanted to edit email user in User menu.
    2. Webspaces for email is unlimited, i gues should be -1, not unlimited
    3. When I pressed on Advanced settings I got..
    4. This error in De, not English ( I set language to EN )
    5. When I changed to -1 and pressed Save. Ok..
    6. And when edited user again..
    7. The same problem, -1 became a unlimited... :(

    Where to change something in a code, to fix that?

    Thanks in advice
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Are these screenshots from version 2.0.9? Are you logged in as admin/reseller or client?
  3. SkIRmiS

    SkIRmiS New Member

    yes, from newest version, just installed the new version. But the problem there with both versions new one, and old one. I'm logged as as client.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    To get this error, there must be a line like:

    $wb["-1"] = "Unlimited";

    in the language file you are using. But I cant find it currently the language files.
    Will have a closer look on this later. Or do you use a custom language file?
  5. SkIRmiS

    SkIRmiS New Member

    Nope, I'm using the standart Enligsh language. I will try to find: $wb["-1"] = "Unlimited";

    Thanks for helping me.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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