Suggestion about Spam users' mail in configuration. It would be well that the filters for the Spam was possible to add mail addresses that are really good and it is not Spam, so that the filter doesn't consider them Spam. --- Pardon didn't read the post Whitelist/Blacklist and it is the same thing that I meant.
Hello, yes, a Black & Whitelist would be very fine. Also the option for the customer to bounce spam to the sender. Now we can modify the message or delete. I read a bit about spamassassin and as far I understood it is possible to bounce the messages, too.
I'm not sure if we should leave this decision to the customers. In almost all cases the sender address is faked, which means the mails get bounced to innocent users which would make the spam problem even worse...
I agree with Falko. The best thing is that the spam is eliminated as soon possible and conclude its trajectory here.