speeding up linux-side actions

Discussion in 'General' started by raveneye, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. raveneye

    raveneye New Member


    I'm testing ISPConfig and I like it a lot. Now After using it for some time I notice it takes quite a while for "linux-side" actions to be executed, like creating directories, adding users and deleting both. Is there a way to speed up this process?

    One time I deleted a user and recreated it for a particular site within ISPConfig. It took over 5 minutes before both actions were executed. It was a bit confusing, because I expected the accountcreation to be finished, instead the delete and create still had to be executed, resulting in lost (test-)mails which were received in between.


    Last edited: Oct 13, 2005
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    here a short explanation on how ISPConfig writes the configuration:

    When you add / change a user or website etc., the changes are written to the mysql database instantly and the status for this record is set to "u" for update or "n" for new or "d" for delete. Also a signaling file is set.

    There is a daemon like program that checks every 30 seconds if the signaling file is set, if the signal file is set it starts a script that goes trough the mySQL database and writes the modification to config files, adds / deletes users etc. When it is finished with a record, the status for this record is set to empty.

    If there is currently an action running, the daemon waits until the prior actions are finished. It might be that if there are many actions currently performed by the daemon and you change another record in the interface, the execution is delayed until the prior queued actions are finished.

    I dont there is a solution to speed this up in the current ISPConfig. But in the next generation of ISPConfig (3.0) we might switch to mysql based email users, FTP users etc. that will solve this problem and some other problems like system and email user separation.
  3. raveneye

    raveneye New Member

    Thanks for you quick reply,

    Is it maybe possible to lower those 30 seconds to 5 seconds for example. Is it safe to do this?


  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes this is possible. I've just seen its already set to 10 seconds, but you can try to lower it to 5 seconds.

    The script is:


    change the line:

    sleep 10


    sleep 5

    and the restart the ispconfig server:

    /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server restart
  5. raveneye

    raveneye New Member


    I'm gonna try it.


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