en_mail_user.lng duplicate_alias_or_forward_txt There is already an alias or forwrd with this email address should be There is already an alias or forward with this email address cc_error_isemail contains and nothing else The in my dk_ i saw following text before we translated it show following text. The Send copy to field does not conatin a valid email address conatin should be contain en_module_show.lng the 3 last phrases is in german. module_del_txt Wollen Sie das Modul und alle im Modul angelegten Dateien und Unterverzeichnisse l�schen? menu_del_txt Wollen Sie das Men� mit allen Untereintr�gen l�schen? item_del_txt Wollen Sie den Men�eintrag l�schen? We also found this one, don't remember were: Invalid domain name od domain contains invalid characters should be Invalid domain name or domain contains invalid characters in our danish translation we can't edit the translation for dk_module_edit.lng description_txt The translations is too long.