Split servers

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by fvk, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. fvk

    fvk New Member

    How can I split existing ispconfig 3 server (single) to multiple servers (clusters)?
    It is possible if no multiserver mode was chosen during installation of existing server?
    I want to move mail server from working machine to another cluster.
    My version is ISPConfig
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can split a single server into a multiserver setup. The first step is to install the new server and comect it with the current one so that the current one becomes the amster server of this new clusetr. The next step is to move existing data, in case of a mirrored cluster you can copy over all database records in dbispconfig to the new server and then alter the server_id of all records except of the ones from "server" table to ID 2. If the new server is not a mirror and you just want e.g. to split just web and mailserver, then move only the data of the mail* and spamfilter tables to the new server, the difference is that you then alter the server_id to 2 on old on new server for all mail* and spamfilter* records.
  3. fvk

    fvk New Member

    Thanks for Your help till.
    What procedure will be for further splitting? Above describe steps to separate mail server.
    What if I need to spearate:
    1. dedicated web server
    2. dedicated db server
    I mean which tables from dbispconfig should I copy to new servers? Should I use resync tool then? What else?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The website data is in the web_* tables (web_database* excluded), the database data in the web_database* tables.

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