Hi, I'm trying to setup a client on SSH, but it's not working. I've assigned the login against their account, and making sure I'm connecting with 'clientuser' as the username. The only option I've changed is 'Jailkit' under 'Chroot Shell'. I've rebooted the server, but still not allowing me to connect - it just says 'Permission denied', yet I know it's the correct username and password. I tried exactly the same, but without the 'Jailkit' option, and it works, yet obviously the user can access anything on the server. These are the lines for the user in question in '/etc/passwd'; Code: web86:x:5056:5019::/var/www/clients/client15/web86/./home/jaybuzssh:/usr/sbin/jk_chrootsh jaybuzssh:x:5056:5019::/var/www/clients/client15/web86/./home/jaybuzssh:/usr/sbin/jk_chrootsh The file '/usr/sbin/jk_chrootsh' doesn't exist - I don't know if this is correct. Any ideas please?
Oops, my mistake. Realised I chose not to install Jailkit during the ISPConfig install. Just installed it, then re-downloaded ISPConfig, ran the install/update.php file (choosing to reconfigure services), and it now works fine.