SSL Cert Common Name mismatch for sub domains

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tilman, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess it's just the same problem as the Linux vs. Windows Desktop. It does not matter what you do, as long as it does not look exactly as the software looks that users are used to, they dislike what you do. But yes, a redesign is needed anyway. And users care more about the looks then the function, so add some *bling* and users are happy ;)
  2. tilman

    tilman Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yup, but as I already said, it´s a common case and I would highly appreciate to find a hint in the manual (even, if I didn´t read it *g*. But I buy one copy mostly every two years, not begging for a download link *g*)
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  3. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    no, users will find something to complain about, by nature.
    Need to admit that I can get somehwat grumpy about things, too though that's still somewhat different I'd say.

    I touched the ISPConfig system once to get something to UI and ... awww I want to rerwrite like everything ^^
    Unfortunally time is limited. Things have evolved so much since v3 catched first light.

    Also I think many bugs come because of this, but maybe I should take another look or two. Not saying its all bad, just, well, things could be done easier, more compatible with a lot of engineers using modern methods and heck just import some essentials using composer.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is nothing to import, so using composer would not make much sense. One reason ISPConfig still exists and is maintainable is that we decided to avoid external imports; this enhances the stability of the software, makes it more secure, and allows it to work and be maintained for a long time. If we had started the software by using one of the large PHP frameworks that existed in 2005, then the software would have been dead once or twice already because the frameworks either do not exist anymore or decided to make incompatble new versions so ISPConfig would had to be rewritten from the ground up again. The only larger things that we use is Bootstrap and JQuery and they thankfully still exist.

    Most of the funky dev things you see now will be abandoned in a few years, and you will have to start over again with your project if you decide to rely on them. This is fine if you have a large budget and can afford to spend the time and money to write the software again from scratch. Another issue with some of the large frameworks and code bases is that you also import security flaws because you are importing dozens or hundreds of external micro libs from a repository. While this is less critical for a CMS where just a few files in a web folder might get changed, it can be very critical for software that manages a server. I have seen this issue often enough in the past few years and how it affects security in the OS ecosystem.

    First of all, there are not that many bugs. E.g. this whole thread is not about a bug at all, custom config was used and this custom config was wrong, so nothing special and also not a bug. And secondly, I do not think any of the comes from the way the code base is organized or can be avoided by reorganize it.
  5. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yeah, I'm not a fan of frameworks and such software should indeed not use a framework imho.
    But there are several well established things and standards.
    Take ( as example ) Monolog, HTTPInterface ( psr-18 ) and some more. Which imho, well designed, can be used and replaced if needed easily.
    Or take twig for templates es example. No need to import the entire framework. And I checked the git issues, and I'd bet my ass some of those bugs could've avoided =) but as we can't proof it's mere spekulatius =)
  6. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Well yes, but usually it just introduces other bugs. So it really doesn't matter that much.
  7. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    well, not false - but luckily those bugs could be reported / will be reported and fixed or can be fixed easily.
    Anyway - not asking you to do it, just haven't seen this kind of code in a long time - namely, the last time I've worked with ispconfig :D
    But I know your opinion about this now, it's fine for me. Appreciate sharing thoughts.

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