According to the date and time of created files, with command: /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php only .htacess file is recreated, not html and png files ?
The .htaccess file is recreated by the webalizer.php script. The html and png files where creted / modified by the webalizer log analysis program.
sorry to interrupt again, but I just realized, that all my sites stopped generating stats on the 22.03. I just had a look at the stats and the last stats are from the 22. - any idea what could have caused that and what I can check to see that from today all will run fine again? I just tried to run it manually like you suggested earlier in this post: /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php but if I enter that in a shell nothing happens, it just sits there, and no stats appear... ?
hmmm.... I did not remember, anyway, I am trying again now: ssh into server, then start screen, then /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php and now I'll leave for a barbeque - we have the first nice day with sunshine today when I am back later on today, I'll check if anything shows up, and because of using screen even if my wireless connection at home drops I can resume cu all and have a nice day
You can try to check with "ps -aux" in another terminal window if there where processes of the webalizer program running.
yes there were, now they are gone but the console where I typed that webalizer command in is still waiting, do I have to manually do strg+c to stop? the webalizer process was running for maybe 15 min, but I still do not see any changes in any of the stats...
If you have large web sites with lots of traffic, it can take a little longer to create the statistics. So you should wait. You should also increase the PHP memory limit in /root/ispconfig/ispconfig/php.ini and restart ISPConfig.
I guess you meatn this file: /root/ispconfig/php/php.ini here are the new values I entered: max_execution_time = 450 max_input_time = 120 memory_limit = 64M in the old screen I just resumed I found this: so after changing those values and restarting ispconfig I tried again.. lets wait and see btw. this php.ini concerns only httpd not my main apache2 I guess? ###edit### I waited, result is the same:
thx. but what about the webalizer error? there is obviuosly an error, like you can see above, any clues what to do about that? the end of the month is coming closer and I need the stats to be ready...
I guess you have some folders or files in /var/www that the webalizer script doesn't expect. As long as your web site statistics are generated, you can ignore the warnings.
all that I have inside /var/www is this: and after having a peak at webalizer.php I guess its only looking for web followed by a number folders so evreything should be ok but no stats are bein generated. ###edit### how would I debug this webalizer.php script? it only reports those errors above, and I really need to do something...
Finallz I resolved "403 Forbidden Error" for webalizer stats: Instead of I use and everzthing works nice! Any explanation for this?
It is possible that the index is where the program was looking for the whole times, or maybe its how the directory calls and paths function. Its probably one of those things that will take a while to figure out.
Yes, but 403 error was AFTER login but if I login with .../index.html then everything is OK, after login popup statistics are shown
Then I guess the problem is that is not listed as ServerName or ServerAlias in the vhost configuration for that web site.