Statistics not compiling.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by thevinster, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must run these commands as root!
  2. Mountainman

    Mountainman New Member

    Omg very stupid, I always do a su when i log in :S really strange I didn't did it then.. feel n00bish :S

    ah well, very happy that it's fix0red! :D

    I presume that stats are now automatically maintained and i do not have to run these scripts again?

    grz and thnx a lot (again)!
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You should observe that over the next few days.
  4. Mountainman

    Mountainman New Member

    Dear Falko,

    I observed the compilation of statistics the last few days, but they aren't compiled over night... Do you have any suggestion on what to do?



    when I run the scripts manually ( log and webalizer ) then everything is fine...
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check your syslog for cron errors in the early morning hours.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    crontab -l
    (you must run this as root)?
  7. Mountainman

    Mountainman New Member

    contrab -l:

    30 00 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/logs.php &> /dev/null
    59 23 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/ftp_logs.php &> /dev/null
    59 23 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/mail_logs.php &> /dev/null
    59 23 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/cleanup.php &> /dev/null
    0 4 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php &> /dev/null
    0,30 * * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/check_services.php &> /dev/null
    15 3,15 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/quota_msg.php &> /dev/null
    40 00 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/traffic.php &> /dev/null
    05 02 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/backup.php &> /dev/null
    a cat /var/log/syslog | grep error doesn't give any feedback...

    thanks for helping!
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  9. Mountainman

    Mountainman New Member

    after the last time I ran both scripts (log.php and webalizer.php) all seems to be fine :confused:

    Ah well it's working :D

    tnx again...
  10. cctex10

    cctex10 New Member

    When I do the command i get...

    s1:~ # /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/logs.php

    Warning: readlink(): Invalid argument in /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/logs.php on line 125

    Warning: readlink(): Invalid argument in /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/logs.php on line 125
    My stats dont work... HELP

    403 Error stats..

  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats just a warning, nothing serious.
  12. nenad

    nenad Member

    Unbeliveable but true:

    /etc/init.d/cron stop
    pkill cron
    crontab -e
    ... and save it again.
    /etc/init.d/cron start
    Didn't helped me.

    But DELETING of crontab file and writing new one RESOLVED crontab & statistcs issue?

    Finally, I don't have to run manually those scripts for refreshing statictics every day.

    BTW this can be added and thus help you to see if script is executing:

    00 4 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php 2>&1 | mail -s "webalizer is proceessing logs" [email protected]

    30 0 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/logs.php &> /dev/null
    59 23 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/ftp_logs.php &> /dev/null
    59 23 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/mail_logs.php &> /dev/null
    59 23 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/cleanup.php &> /dev/null
    00 4 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php [B]2>&1 | mail -s "webalizer is proceessing logs" [email protected][/B]
    0,30 * * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/check_services.php &> /dev/null
    15 3,15 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/quota_msg.php &> /dev/null
    40 00 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/traffic.php &> /dev/null
    05 02 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/backup.php &> /dev/null
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2006
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm glad it finally worked out. :)
  14. ProgressiveBastion

    ProgressiveBastion New Member

    This worked for me

    After running the 2 suggested commands it seems to work I can see my stats. Very cool. If it seems to not work after a few days I guess it'lll be back to the forums...

    peace Michael

    p.s. thanks for the info till & falko...
  15. Ovidiu

    Ovidiu Active Member

    hi there,

    after moving to a new server, it seems stats are not generated, I had a look inside my webxxx/log/ folders and it seems the log.php script is running and splitting the logs so that each web now has its logs inside its log folder, but for a newly created site (a weeke ago) the stats folder is not being created and for the older sites the stats are not compiled, it still shows me stats from july ...

    here is some sample commands I tried:

    stop cron edit crontab save restart cron did not help

    the prompt returned 2-3 seconds after I ran the webalizer script...
  16. Ovidiu

    Ovidiu Active Member

    Please I need some help. its 3.rd august and I have no stats for this month. any feedback you can give? what can I do to debug this problem?
  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you have logfiles with todays and yesterdays date in /var/log/httpd ?
  18. Ovidiu

    Ovidiu Active Member

    yes I have and there are also logs inside the webXXX fodlers, meaning it seems like the logs are getting splitte ok, its just that no stats are processed by webalizer!?
  19. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What is the output of:

    which webalizer
  20. Ovidiu

    Ovidiu Active Member

    h898552:~# which webalizer

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