I was wondering if there was a practical method to stream several webcams from an ISPConfig CentOS server? I have a server with a large number of NICs (8), so I was hoping I could connect each webcam to a NIC with a dedicated IP, then use one or two of the NICs for WAN IPs. I like (am familiar with) ISPConfig 2 so I would like to use that to create and manage the website(s). As for streaming the webcams, I have no need for any real interconnection between ISPConfig and any streaming. Any ideas? -J
They are related only by the fact that I need the webcams and ISPConfig to use the same physical server and OS (cent). This is a remote install connected directly to WAN. What I would like to do is plug WAN into server and plug webcams into server and use Cent as a router of sorts to accomplish what needs to hapen. In this project I am precluded from using virtualization.