sub domain problems

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by andrusha, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. andrusha

    andrusha New Member

    for some reason my setup wont make user subdomain ...
    I tried making a new user so his site could be under my domain....
    ISPConfig made the user on ftp witout any problems but subdomain is not accessible...Please help me out
  2. sonoracomm

    sonoracomm New Member

    I may not understand completely, or even be correct, but generally, you need to create the new web site first, _then_ create the user under the new web site.

    You may have to delete the user first, then empty the Recycle Bin, then create the new web site and user.


  3. andrusha

    andrusha New Member

    ispconfig wont make subdomains at all
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must create subdomains on the Co-Domains tab. Just creating a new user doesn't mean that ISPConfig creates a subdomain.

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