I have a Sun Microsystems SunFire X2100 server I am trying to install CentOS 6.5 on. The problem is a little ways into the install I get an error saying there is not enough space on the disk. I know I need to clear space on the disk for the new OS, but I don't have the supplemental CD that comes with the server that is required to do so. Does anyone know where I can download an ISO image for the supplemental CD? I've been all over Oracle's website and they don't have anything. Does anyone know if I can clear space on the disk without the CD?
I think you can use any live cd to boot your SunFire X2100 server & then you can remove the unnecessary files.
Yup I used an ubuntu ISO to boot and I discovered that the version of centOS I wanted to install was not compatible with the x2100's hardware. Thank you.