I have installed the pre-compiled pack from mandriva ( urpmi suphp ) In my log files it says that i executes fine but in my web browser it says: "No input file specified." have anyone been able to use the suPHP module and what did you do more then installing it? where is the config file for example. if i look at the www.suphp.org web page it says threre sould be a suphp.conf file. guess what it it not.. also i can't put directives in mu vconf files. / Jonas
The suphp.conf file shall be either in /etc/suphp.conf or /etc/suphp/suphp.conf For a howto to configure suPHP, have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/apache2_suphp_php4_php5 The howto is for Debian, but might be applicable for mandriva too.