I'll try to install SuSE 10 on a clean system. After a while the system tells me that it can't copy kdelibs. After CD#1 is installed, it tells me in a window all mis-installed packages (i.e. kdelibs3). The install resumes and the computer restarts. I see many errors about a Read Only System (??) Then the computer asks me to login. Which name? I only installed CD#1, the remaining CD's are unused. It seems to be possible to login with the name system, but I don't know the password. How do I continue to install?
If you got errors during the first insalltion steps, you wont be able to login. Do you know the exact error message. Is your harddisk large enough? Does your installation CD looks intact or does it have scratches?
I don't know what the exact error message was. I installed SuSE 10 on this computer last month, so I think the harddisk is large enough. In which way do I check the quality of the CD's?
I rebooted the computer, I deleted all existing partitions and I installed Linux again. This time I didn't see any error message, every package is installed properly. After CD#1 was installed the computer restarted and again I see error messages such as "Read only file system". The computer again ends with the login prompt. What do I have to do now?
How did you partition your hard disk? What partitions do you have and what file system do they use? Can you access /etc/fstab and post it here? You can compare the MD5 sums of your downloaded isos with the ones from the download server.
I partitioned my hard disk as described in the perfect setup. Because I reinstalled it again this morning (half an hour ago), I can not give you the output of /etc/fstab. This time I didn't partition my hard disk, so I hope I can partition it after the install completes. Can you tell me: is that possible? Oh yes, I'd seen an MD5 string. How do I do to compare these strings?
Believe me, the installer partitioned your hard disk, otherwise you couldn't have installed SuSE. Run Code: md5sum /path/to/iso_image and compare the MD5 sum with the one from the download server.
It is very strange: when I partition as described in the perfect setup manual on this site, after CD#1 my computer reports - when starting Linux - a lot of messages containing "Read-only" and then it asks me to login (but I didn't define any user at this moment). Should I have to partition my hard drive (19,540 MB) according the description in the perfect setup or not?
Normally yes, but if it doesn't work for you (for whatever reason), you can accept the installer's proposal instead of creating custom partitions. But you have to keep it in mind when you set up quota later on.
I solved the problem of failing setup by choosing install in the safe mode (I'm sorry I do not remember the right term SuSE uses). When I completed the setup and restarted the system, all is completed and I can login onto my system...