System reboot when use kvm-virtmanager

Discussion in 'Technical' started by lucho115, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. lucho115

    lucho115 New Member

    hi, iam using kvm with virtmanager since a while without problems (and also virtualbox) but now when i start a virtual manchine the host system reboots (virtualbox still run without problems), i dont know how to fix it. My system is an amd phenom x6 1100T, 16gb of ram (amd 1600 cas9), 1 tb wd blach edition sata3, amd HD5650 1gb ddr3, an the SO is ubuntu 12.04 64 bits.
    I have to say that boot with the ubuntu 12.04 64bits live-dvd, install kvm, and try to use one of the virtual manchines and the system reboot like with my installed system, 2 weeks ago i have no problems, maybe its a hardware problem, but virtualbox and all the others programs runs ok, the only that have problems is kvm. I test the mem with memtest and in 10 passed have no erros.
    i will waiting for yours response.
    thanks and sorry abouy my english.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you check your logs for errors?
  3. lucho115

    lucho115 New Member

    No, because i dnot know in what file take a look, what file i have to check?
  4. lucho115

    lucho115 New Member

    in .virt-manager/virt-manager.log :

    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] INFO (cli:71) virt-manager startup
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (virt-manager:300) Launched as: /usr/share/virt-manager/
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (virt-manager:301) GTK version: (2, 24, 10)
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (virt-manager:302) virtManager import: <module 'virtManager' from '/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/__init__.pyc'>
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (engine:555) No inspection thread because libguestfs is too old, not available, or libvirt is not thread safe.
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (systray:138) Showing systray: False
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (engine:346) About to connect to uris ['qemu:///system']
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (manager:171) Showing manager
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (engine:471) window counter incremented to 1
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (manager:171) Showing manager
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (connection:991) Scheduling background open thread for qemu:///system
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (connection:1177) Background 'open connection' thread is running
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (connection:1227) Background open thread complete, scheduling notify
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:48 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (connection:1232) Notifying open result
    [jue, 09 ago 2012 18:58:49 virt-manager 7229] DEBUG (connection:1239) qemu:///system capabilities:
          <topology sockets='1' cores='6' threads='1'/>
          <feature name='wdt'/>
          <feature name='skinit'/>
          <feature name='osvw'/>
          <feature name='3dnowprefetch'/>
          <feature name='cr8legacy'/>
          <feature name='extapic'/>
          <feature name='cmp_legacy'/>
          <feature name='3dnow'/>
          <feature name='3dnowext'/>
          <feature name='pdpe1gb'/>
          <feature name='fxsr_opt'/>
          <feature name='mmxext'/>
          <feature name='ht'/>
          <feature name='vme'/>
    in /var/log/libvirt/qemu/*.log is clean for today
  5. lucho115

    lucho115 New Member

    Any idea? i still will the same problem, the only that i can add is that 1 week ago after a huge update, i try again and works, i can virtualize windows 7 and centos, i was used for 2 hours, then shutdown the centos vm ok, and when i shutdowning the windows 7 vm the system restart, and after this restart all came back to the same, i can again use kvm becauso i press play to a vm the system restart. Well i look for info but i dont find nothing similar to my problem, and maybe i think thatcan be a problem of conpatibitity of the chipset mobo (990FX) and kvm, i dont know actually.
  6. lucho115

    lucho115 New Member

    Solved -- The problem was the cpu, with a fx8150 works ok, but the old cpu its fine, because on a 870 mobo works ok with kvm, i think thats was an incompatibility of the mobo and the cpu.

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