I've been all day long looking for a way to backup my Debian Sarge Perfect Install, and finaly I got to this site (great site, congratulations , but not very good looking smiles ) after I tryied norton ghost... well i almost tryed because i got to a website where they warnme to don`t try ghost on linux. Well finally I installed Systemimager server on a VMWared Debian Sarge in my Windows XP, and the client on my Debian Sarge Perfect Install (thanks to howtoforge.com again ) but it doesn't fully cover my needs, because to restore my Debian Sarge per...(PolarBear) I need another Debian running.. and well what if something happends to the Image Server?... So I'm in need of a way to backup my Debian Sarge system to DVDs or CD-ROMs, on a way so I don't need another PC to restore PolarBear Is there a way to backup a full HDD or more than 1 HDD to a series of bootable CDs or DVDs? so there just need to boot the system from the CDs/DVDs and restore the hdds from them.