I am busy importing a lot of advertisements from 1 system to another using xml. I need to change the xml file a lot, so I need a function that replaces everything between tags. For instance: <id>236862</id> to nothing 184 times with different id's. Or <titulo></titulo> to <title>Example Title</title> Which linux text editor has this function? Thank you!
Any text editor that has search and replace can handle that. This is trickier. You need regular expression to match <id>...</id>, and be prepared tags in the pair may not be in the same line. I would do this using sed or write a script that does the replace, and would not try to find a text editor that supports this kind of thing. If it has to be text editor, Emacs of course can do it.
I mainly use Notepad++ for code editing in Windows. It is a freeware and you can find it at: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/
If it is only for that specific task, you can do this with command line tools. "sed" is used for search and replace and works with regular expressions. See for example: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-use-sed-to-find-and-replace-text-in-files-in-linux-unix-shell/ You can test your regex on sites like: https://regex101.com/
That is if he is using linux cli, which is a good way. I had developed android apps before and based on many xml files to be edited, he could be developing one. I edited about 600 files, 200 at a time simply using Notepad ++, so I'd say it is quite good. However, linux will be my preferred choice / platform to develop the same in the future as it definitely has so much more to offer once you get used to it.
I'm using Notepad++ as well. It also has regex-based replace function, see e.g. here: https://gerardnico.com/ide/notepad/replace
(bold by me) But: I just looked it up, notepad++ is indeed available for linux via snap packages. However, imho there are better text editors for linux. But they require more of a learning curve.
you could use vi, it's included by default in pretty much every Linux distribution as far as i'm aware. and it'll do pretty much any text/regex manipulation, syntax formatting/highlighting, etc that you could possibly dream of. unfortunately, it's not so much got a (steep) learning curve, more a vertical line...