The packages required in the installation do not exist

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by martinhe, Apr 27, 2022.

  1. martinhe

    martinhe Member

    Hi, I refuse to use REMI repo. And the official packages in the AppStream repository AlmaLinux do not contain a lot of required PHP packages.

    They are dangerous and unreliable. It amazes me that you recommend installing these packages.

    Are all those packages really needed, or is it some relic of the past? What happens if I ignore their installation?

    Thanks you.

    [root@almalinux ~]# cat /etc/almalinux-release
    AlmaLinux release 8.5 (Arctic Sphynx)
    [root@almalinux ~]# yum install php-imap php-pecl-apc php-mcrypt php-tidy php-pspell
    Last metadata expiration check: 3:17:37 ago on Wed 27 Apr 2022 07:09:45 AM CEST.
    No match for argument: php-imap
    No match for argument: php-pecl-apc
    No match for argument: php-mcrypt
    No match for argument: php-tidy
    No match for argument: php-pspell
    Error: Unable to find a match: php-imap php-pecl-apc php-mcrypt php-tidy php-pspell
    [root@almalinux ~]#
    Is there a typo in the manual? Shouldn't "php-pecl-apc" be "php-pecl-apcu"?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2022
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    The installation manual you used is for CentOS 8. If you use it installing on some other Linux distribution, there is bound to be differences. Package names for example may be changed. I know very little about Alma Linux but I assume those PHP packages are there (but named differently), since very few PHP applications would work without them.
    You could enable remi repo on Almalinux according to Internet (found with search engines) to get the same packages. This does not help since you do not want to use those.
  3. michelangelo

    michelangelo Active Member

    What's the reason to refuse Remi repo? The maintainer of this repository is a Red Hat employee and official PHP maintainer at the PHP group.
    He is doing an amazing job and if you don't trust this repository then you also don't use EPEL, I suppose?
    Because EPEL is a repository that is maintained by RedHat employees but also by volunteers that are not affiliated with RedHat.

    Most of your listed packages are not up to date or you have to enable Remi Repo OR you have to build those packages yourself.
    That's up to you. btw. php-mcrypt is obsolete..
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then you should use a Distribution instead which does not require additional repositories like Ubuntu or Debian.

    Some packages might not cause issues directly when they are missing, but some others might cause parts of the setup to fail.

    that#s unlikely. it worked at the time it was written. But RHEL based repos, unlike Debian and Ubuntu, tend to rename or remove packages even within the same major version, so it might be that packages that existed at the time of writing the guide are gone now.
  5. michelangelo

    michelangelo Active Member

    Well, php-mcrypt (unless ISPConfig requires it) was already obsolete at the time this tutorial for CentOS 8 was written. Also in 18 years of using RHEL/Fedora I never had the case that a package was suddenly removed from a RHEL'ish repository, this counts especially for packages that are available through the distribution repositories.

    For community repositories on the other hand, like EPEL, your described situation might happen, it's not common but it certainly can happen, but actually any other community-driven repository, and I bet also Debian/Ubuntu community repositories are affected by such circumstances, where a community member takes over the maintanence of a package and changes something that better shouldn't be changed.
  6. martinhe

    martinhe Member


    all I care about is whether the unreliable packages need to be installed. Why is this necessary? Does ISPConfig use them somewhere, or are they there for fun? Where exactly and for what purpose.

    So far, I understand that holt has no choice and I have to use the REMI repo PHP, instead of the AppStream distribution repository. I have no another choice.


    AlmaLinux 8 = CentOS 8 literally.

    You're lying, these packages are obsolete, unreliable or even dangerous waste, so they're not in AlmaLinux. Nobody uses them for a long time, they certainly don't pay what you say. That without them where nothing works. They are in Ubuntu, Debian, etc., but that doesn't change the fact that the packages are unreliable.


    I use EPEL from time to time. I'm wrong, I don't have anything against REMI as well as against the packages themselves, which are in the manual and the packages are waste, that's why they're not in AlmaLinux AppStream and for the same reason I don't want to use them either.


    I don't want to use those unreliable packages at all, except for Ubuntu / Debian, not at all.

    I understand you probably don't know what problems and where it might be. I won't bother you with that, I'll try to analyze the use of those modules myself. At worst, I have no choice but to install those packages from REMI.
  7. martinhe

    martinhe Member

    I tried searching like this: [root @ almalinux ~] # grep -rE "imap|IMAP|Imap|apc|APC|mcrypt|Mcrypt|mCrypt|Tidy|tidy|pspell|ImaGick|Imagick|imagick" /usr/local/

    I did not find anything to suggest that these obsolete or unreliable modules are used by ISPConfig somewhere.
  8. michelangelo

    michelangelo Active Member

    Well, in fact not every of these modules/packages are required but are sometimes installed by dnf/yum none the less, because they are defined as a dependency of another php package. Or it was a left-over from the CentOS 7 guide that was kept in CentOS 8...

    Also you necessarily don't have to follow the perfect server guide point by point.
    Just the most important points. If you don't want to install something then don't install it as long as you know what the purpose of the software is, that you decide to not install.

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