I was looking for the install guide for The Perfect Server - Debian 8.7.1 Jessie (Apache2.............) and didn't found! Is that guide available, and if YES, please provide a link to it. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the answer. Installed finish and working correctly. Now I was try to install OwnCloud 9 and had to give up on this for today. Downloaded and followed the tutorial for it: "Run your own cloud: Installing OwnCloud 9 on Debian 8", which didn't copied the content to /var/www/.....! Will check tomorrow again and look I could get it to work. Just a question to the Expert: How could we use (let say) MS Excel worksheet, set for multi-user, on the Debian Server? Those Worksheets are already set and shared to Multi-User. On MS Server it shoulkd work just fine, but what's about the Debian Server? Thanks a lot for any infos.