Hello I have a question, which among you with already installing tomcat on its server, is how to make to function with ISPConfig. Yours sincerely MM
ISPConfig does not support Tomcat yet. So you will have to put the tomcat configuration in the Apache directives field or change the master vHost Template in /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/
OK till, not support for tomcat in ISPConfig, with you Doc., to install tomcat, because I of it is need. Thank you MM
Revive Topic... Hello All, I read and followed the Configuring Tomcat5 and Apache2 with Virtual Hosts using mod_jk, is very clear and easy to follow. I setup in Ubuntu 6.10 with JDK 5.0 Update 9 (jdk-1_5_0_09-linux-i586.bin) and Tomcat 5.5.20. I not found the /usr/bin/java folder, and when I run the command "which java" and nothing happend. What exactly this command do? First, I setup to one domain, when I try the second domain I have some doubts about the config for VHost. I edit server.xml, and after I edit the Vhosts_ispconfig.conf to insert two code lines. When I change anything linked to vhosts, this lines is erased. I try to put in vhosts.conf.master, this will work, only the problem is the worker1, worker2... the number. I try to send a email to Troy Popplewell, by I don't have luck. Thanks all, Vinicius
falko, Do you know anything about the other question? About Tomcat to other Virtual Hosts, and what I have to do in vhost.conf.master? Thanks, Vinicius
I found a solution in the Tombat website about worker.properties. To the correct function of Tomcat in Apache, I need to edit three files (server.xml, worker.properties and vhost conf). I insert, in the end of vhost.conf.master two lines and the parameter worker1, but I need diferente instances of worker to run jsp correctly, in each website. For example, in my first web site I have web1, in the second web2... What kind of code I have to put after worker to add the correct suffix number after the processor of generate the end vhost file? Code: AliasMatch ^/~([^/]+)(/(.*))? {HTTPD_ROOT}/{WEB}/user/$1/web/$3 AliasMatch ^/users/([^/]+)(/(.*))? {HTTPD_ROOT}/{WEB}/user/$1/web/$3 {REWRITE_RULE} {FRONTPAGE} [COLOR="Red"]JkMount /*/servlet/* worker[B]1[/B] JkMount /*.jsp worker[B]1[/B][/COLOR] </VirtualHost> # {SSL} # # <!-- END DYNAMIC BLOCK: vhost --> After this, I will make a short guide about this issue... Thanks again, Vinicius
I think it's better to modify the function make_vhost() in /root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/config.lib.php instead of modifying the template file. In the make_vhost() function you have access to all variables you need.