Greetings, I am inquiring regarding this howto: I am using Debian Wheezy I accurate edited /etc/network/interfaces as mentioned in Step 1. Just before the Step 2, I get this: # ifup vnet0 Cannot find device "vnet0" Failed to bring up vnet0. Can I have any suggestion on how to handle this please?
As far as I understand, the new interface "vnet0" shoud appear in my "ifconfig" after completing the Step1 of Howto? Anyways, below is the output of my ifconfig:
Well, as I said I followed this how-to step-by-step on my Debian Wheezy. What should I do to the vnet0 interface to appear there??
Check the BTW the link is mentioned in the guide itself at the starting.
That is the instruction I have already followed. Step 1: Create a bridge interface First, we have to create a bridge interface for the VMs. Install the bridge utilities: Now make the bridge start on boot. Add the following to /etc/network/interfaces: Either reboot or start it manually: What did I wrong?