Type "user", type "admin"

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by spillerm, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. spillerm

    spillerm New Member

    Hi :)
    IIRC, the normal reseller can only see his own clients, not the clients of other resellers.
    But we need some users with permission to edit every client.
    So I thought I create a reseller (or client, I tried both) and then change the type from "user" to "admin" via web interface.
    In your demo, it works like a charm; in my setup, I get the following message:

    A user that belongs to a client can not be set to type: admin

    They are newly created test users and belong to nobody.

    I'm running a fresh install ISPConfig on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. (demo3.ispconfig.org/ is 3.0.5, that's the only difference I've found).

    Can you please give me a hint where I can find a solution and what this message means?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This means that neither clients nor resellers can be of type admin. The online demo is not a real ispconfig installation, so it behaves differently. If you need a sub admin, then add it under system > cp users.

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