I have recently ungraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and am using ISPConfig 3.0.5.p.8. The webalizer for all my sites works a OK. However, I have noticed that all configurations and access logs are individually stored in the /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/*.com The each webalizer.conf points to LogFile /var/log/apache2/access.log.1 but there is no such access.log.1 there only /var/log/apache2 /other_vhosts_access.log.1 So I am confused about how the webalizer finds /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/*.com/access.log which works. I am trying to make work webalizer on my server domain name which use to worked on the 12.04, by mirroring my sites, but no success. Manually from the command line webializer works with a specified .config file at /var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log.1 Does anybody knows how to do that because the Appache 2.4 reshuffled all directories? Where can I find the config. and access.log file for the server which would be croned same as the sites?
The log path is passed as commandline parameter to webalizer in the ispconfig cron_daily.php script. This is part of ispconfig, the webalizer system cronjob is not used and can be disabled.
Thanks Till, I have used one site folder to mimic MyHostName server at /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/myserver.com/ which contains the following files: Code: 20150727-access.log access.log (symlink) error.log webalizer.conf It looks like the access.log files do get updated by the cron, the error.log shows no errors, and the webalizer.conf file has the following enabled where I do expect an output in the /var/www/webalizer directorty: However, I have noticed that all sites in their respective webalizer.conf points to the OutputDir /var/www/webalizer rather than /clients/client1/web15/web/stats/. Since nothig gets outputed to /var/www/webalizer directorty I asume that I must change something somewhere else --- please where? In the ispconfig cron_daily.php script?....... if so where exactly? I have not find such directory there. Do I have to restart something besides reboot? Code: LogFile /var/log/apache2/access.log.1 OutputDir /var/www/webalizer HistoryName /var/www/clients/client1/web15/web/stats/webalizer.hist changed to /var/www/webalizer/webalizer.hist Incremental yes IncrementalName /var/www/clients/client1/web15/web/stats/webalizer.current changed to /var/www/webalizer/webalizer.current ReportTitle Usage statistics for HostName myserver.com PageType htm* PageType cgi PageType php3 PageType php HideURL *.gif HideURL *.GIF HideURL *.jpg HideURL *.JPG HideURL *.png HideURL *.PNG HideURL *.ra IgnoreSite localhost IgnoreReferrer localhost SearchEngine yahoo.com p= SearchEngine altavista.com q= SearchEngine google.com q= SearchEngine eureka.com q= SearchEngine lycos.com query= SearchEngine hotbot.com MT= SearchEngine msn.com MT= SearchEngine infoseek.com qt= SearchEngine webcrawler searchText= SearchEngine excite search= SearchEngine netscape.com search= SearchEngine mamma.com query= SearchEngine alltheweb.com query= SearchEngine northernlight.com qr= SearchEngine sensis.com.au find= SearchEngine google.nl q= SearchEngine google.fr q= SearchEngine google.ch q= SearchEngine google.ca q= SearchEngine google.be q= # End of configuration file... Have a nice day!