Ubuntu 16 to 22.04 turn down ispconfig even update is not working either

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by razareal, Nov 18, 2022.

  1. razareal

    razareal New Member

    I was trying this url: https://www.ispconfig.org/blog/installing-ispconfig-3-2-9-beta-1-on-ubuntu-22-04/
    And this code "./ispc3-ai.sh --use-ftp-ports=40110-40210 --unattended-upgrades --channel=dev" on path: /usr/local/ispconfig/
    While installation I kept getting different errors like at first something on clamav antivirus so, I disable that and after that another one. It seems it's checking complete system updates even all the packages of ubuntu 22.04 are up to date.

    Or guide me steps to follow except there is any other way to install it.

    Awaiting for your positive response.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The auto-installer requires a clean and empty system (see prerequisites listed on that page), so it can not be run on a system where you configured services already which means it is expected to fail on your system as you have already services installed.

    On an already installed system, you just download ISPConfig and install it. And as ISPConfig 3.2.9 final has been released today which supports Ubuntu 22.04, you can use the final version instead of the beta.

    cd /tmp
    wget https://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/ISPConfig-3.2.9.tar.gz
    tar xvfz ISPConfig-3.2.9.tar.gz
    cd ispconfig3_install/install
    php -q install.php
    But be aware, due to the fact that you lost your system database, you will not be able to manage any existing sites and you'll probably get into more trouble when creating new sites as they will collide with your existing sites. So the cleaner solution would be to back up site content and databases, format the server and install a clean minimal Ubuntu 22.04, and then use the auto-installer to install the fresh system:


    This guide is for Ubuntu 22.04 as well, it just has not been updated yet as the new final auto installer version has just been released a few minutes ago.
  3. razareal

    razareal New Member

    Is there any way that I can use the current system having ubuntu 22.04? I can't clear nor empty current one. Even more I have a purchased billing module as well if this system will not work than that paid billing module will be wasted as well.
    If there is any possibility do let me know the procedure for this.

    Awaiting for your positive response.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Sure, but you need a backup of the ISPConfig database if you want to keep using your already-created config. Do you do any system backups or did you do any SQL dumps of the whole MySQL server? Does your data center or cloud provider do any system backups? You destroyed the setup by deleting essential config data, which is all in the removed database, and the only way to restore the setup is by restoring that database.
  5. razareal

    razareal New Member

    Nopes. I can't.
    Is there any way that you can share any empty db which contains structure so, I can up that db here and make it ready for backup?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    An empty db will not really help you as it won't give you the missing system config back which was in the original database. But I can try to provide you with a database dump. Do you use Apache or Nginx as web server?
  7. razareal

    razareal New Member

  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Here is a sql dump of the ispconfig database. The ISPConfig admin password is "GuaYtFnNcpRK857".

    What's important is that when you recreate websites within ISPConfig again, you must use the exact same order as you used previously, you can find out the order you created sites by their Linux users, if a website is owned by web1 user, thet's the first site, then web2, web3 and so on. it is important to use same order. and make a backup of /var/www folder before you start as it might be that things get overwritten during that process. e.g.

    cp -pf /var/www /var/www_bak

    Of course, you must have enough harddisk space for that.

    Attached Files:

    razareal likes this.

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