Dear members, After a fresh install following tutorial, excepted for bind and a reboot, i'm not able to connect to my dedicated server throught internet and can only access to rescue mode (a mini distrib allowing to mount server partition). I suppose a Bastiile trouble, didn't see any relevant log, and would like to know if there is a way to disable Bastille or any job started from ispconfig at startup that may affect network config. all of that can be done only from rescue mode. thanks
The bsatille firewall is not installed and started automatically when you install ispconfig. Bastille is only enabled after you logged into ispconfig and then added a firewall record inside ispconfig. If you wnat to disable bastille, then run: insserv -r bastille-firewall or update-rc.d bastille-firewall remove ispconfig is also not adding any services started at boot time.
It is unlikely that the problem is directly related to ispconfig as ispconfig is not starting anything at boot time. Check the syslog and the bootup squence with dmesg to find out why your server is not booting. Maybe you made a mistake while you edited /etc/fstab which causes the boot drive to fail now?