Ok... I know that this question is not for the topic but is there a problem if I install http://www.mydnsconfig.org/ onto our current DNS server. Which has installed a Webmin's panel for managing domains and sites
Which DNS-Server do you use on that server, BIND? p.s. If you know that a question is offtopic, please use the correct forum and make a new thread. It makes the forum easier to read
You must uninstall Bind and install MyDNS. Please have a look at this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/mydns_name_server
Is this will be a problem to uninstall BIND... He is a part of succesfull installation of UBUNTU PERFECT SETUP. It is possible to say "We use myDNS instead of BIND in installtion of Ubuntu 5.10 Server for ISP"?
As long as you dont have ISPConfig installed as part of the Ubuntu 5.10, you can replace BIND with MyDNS. BIND is a system requirement for ISPConfig.
Damn Is it a good idea to start separated DNS and ISPConfig machines? MyDNS and hosting server... but this BIND9 on the hosting server is a problem. Can I add records in MyDNS and BIND9 at the same time, but MyDNS is the primary DNS... BIND9 to be secondary... the only problem is DNS from our ISP. He is alternative when our current stops. Sorry for my unsteady posts... Can you move them to correct topics?
You can run only one of them, because they both try to bind to port 53 which means they'd conflict if they ran at the same time.
Oh, I forgot... We use two machines for DNS... Our idea is to make mirror DNS of the primary. When he stops the second will run... MyDNS and BIND9
And why do you want to use bind9 plus mydns instead of bind9 on both servers and use the bind zone transfer mechanism that is builtin in ISPConfig for Zone synchronization?
The simple reason is that I like MyDNS and its config panel more than BIND9 and ISPConfig I know that ISPConfig has own mechanizm... but is there a chance MyDNS will implemented in next release of ISP??? Another idea - - the walkthrough of Ubuntu Perfect Setup must be rewrited...
Yes, MyDNSConfig will be part of ISPConfig 3. Why? It's working perfectly for Till and me like that - just copy and paste, and it works.
3rd version? CooL Yeah, the setup works with copy/paste. But problems occur sometime And after that I must "attack" this forum for simple and fast solution Sometimes this is time-consumpting for me (maybe and for other members of the forum) Edit: Today I installed PhpMyAdmin but when I click on phpmyadmin link from the panel there's a user and password prompt. I used localhost for username and the password of mysqladmin. I cannot enter in MyAdmin. Maybe he has own username and password?
You must use an MySQL user and his password, for example root and the MySQL password you entered during ISPConfig installation. Another example: you create the database web1_db1 in ISPconfig with the user web1_u1 and the password hello. Then you type in web1_u1 as username and hello as password in phpMyAdmin.
Code: mysqladmin -u root password test mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)' What the ...? I tried to change the password. Logged as root