Update 3.1 Multiserver setup cannot update server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by mmdollar, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. mmdollar

    mmdollar Member

    Hello today I've installed the new version of ISPConfig but I get this notification when I login to the admin panel:
    I am using 3 server (1 master, 2 slaves) when I updated the slaves I forgot to say yes on reconfig. permissions on master db.
    Even my phpmyadmin nginx directive is not working. I tried to make a link for it in /var/www/html with ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin when I login with root it says:
    PMA Database ... not OK
    Even though I have a pma database with a pma user and password (they are included in the config.inc.php in the phpmyadmin dir).
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Just run ispconfig_update.sh again and answer yes to that question.
    A quick search looks like that means that either the phpmyadmin database hasn't been created, or phpmyadmin is not configured correctly to access it. If this is debian/ubuntu, try running 'dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin' and run through configuration again. Note there's one point you have to move your cursor or hit space or similar to make a selection (eg. it looks like something is selected by default when it actually is not).
  3. mmdollar

    mmdollar Member

    When I use ispconfig_update.sh and enter stable it says:
    There are no updates available for ISPConfig 3.1
    And about the dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin as far as I remember when I use it I don't select anything because I am using nginx.
    Edit: The servers are 2 Debians Jessie & Ubuntu 16.04
  4. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Oh, right, you can download/update it manually then. Or for a limited time (until more commits are made), if you pick git-stable it will be the identical code to the 3.1 release.

    I've not run nginx, so not familiar with any setup specific to that. If dpkg-reconfigure doesn't get it, wait for more qualified help here. :)
  5. mmdollar

    mmdollar Member

    Ok so I updated both slave servers (using git-stable) with "Reconfigure Permissions in master database" and now everything works fine, for example if I add a mail user using my ISPConfig admin panel, it adds the user In the monitor log in Job's Que I can see that the mail server adds the mail user and I can login with it. But the notification (the one I posted picture if it) does not go away. I am still trying to figure out the pma thingy will update when I find an answer. Do I need to update the master server too (with git-stable) and if yes shall I use the "Reconfigure Permissions in master database" or not? Thanks for the awesome software! :)
  6. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    You definitely need to update the master for version 3.1 if you have not already. But assuming you did once, no, that shouldn't be needed; I don't think it even asks that question on the master.
  7. mmdollar

    mmdollar Member

    The master server is on 3.1 when I posted here, I just checked my admin email and saw some errors emails in it like this:
    29.09.2016-10:26 - WARNING - Falsche Anfrage / Wrong QuerySQL-Query = UPDATE server SET updated = '416' WHERE server_id = 7 -> 1142 (UPDATE command denied to user 'ispcsrv7'@'ns4.domain.com' for table 'server')
  8. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    I believe that's a slave server trying to update it's status on the master. If you are sure you re-ran the update with 'Reconfigure Permissions in master database' set to y on both servers, maybe there is a name resolution problem - the master thinks the slave is named ns4.domain.com, but if the slave thinks it's named something different, it will update permissions with the wrong hostname. Edit /etc/hosts on the master and both slaves and make sure the same ip address/hostname is specified for all three servers, then update permissions in the master again (or you could fix the tables manually with phpmyadmin, I think it's the 'user' and 'tables_priv' tables).
  9. mmdollar

    mmdollar Member

    Yes you are right it is a missconfiguration, ns4 is my master server's IP (I forgot to remove ns4 part in the config there were several names under one IP). I realized it like 30 mins ago, I edited /etc/hosts on the master will do the others in a couple of hours. Thanks again for the help I will report later what I did.
  10. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    That is probably the cause of your original problem that the job queue never clears.
  11. mmdollar

    mmdollar Member

    Yes now the notifications cleared! The missconfiguration came from the mail server, when I entered hostname -f it gave me an error. I corrected it restarted the server and now it's all fine. The one thing now left to fix is the pma problem with phpmyadmin. I tried to deleting the pma user and add it again + deleting the pma db and uploaded it again but still it gives me the error.

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