Hi (Thom), your script to update phpmyadmin seems not to work for me. https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/keep-your-phpmyadmin-installation-up-to-date-automatically-how-to-update-phpmyadmin.88495/ I'm getting this: And indeed there is no package.json But that does also not update it. How to solve this? Thanks a lot!
Meanwhile I did a manual update via this tut: https://devanswers.co/manually-upgrade-phpmyadmin/ So it's FYI now. Thanks!
Did you originally install PHPMyAdmin using apt install? I think the update script by @Th0m is meant for hosts where PHPMyAdmin is not installed from the distro repository at all.
I installed it as written here :https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial...nstall-apache-php-phpmyadmin-fcgi-suexec-pear I have no idea if it's then from source or from the repositories.
Then you installed it with apt install phpmyamdin. So the script by @Th0m detects that and stops trying to update phpmyadmin so as not to break the system. In this case you do not need the script, the usual apt update ; apt upgrade will install phpmyadmin updates.