I found a lot of information however most of it old and I'm not really sure how to implement it or if it even applies anymore. I'm pretty sure I have to run: sudo apt-get install opendkim opendkim-tools After that I'm not sure if I do this or not: http://blog.schaal-24.de/ispconfig/dkim-patch-1-0/?lang=en I also foud this, but I don't know where it fiits in to everything.: http://www.faqforge.com/linux/how-to-enable-dkim-email-signatures-in-amavisd-new-and-ispconfig-3/
Both links do the same - without opendkim. With the post from faqforge you have to create a key manually for each domain (and paste the data to the dns). If you use my patch you can use everything within the interface. If you use opendkim you may have problems with the next ispconfig-release. We have already implemented the dkim-patch.
So what are you suggesting I do?? Is there a guide I can follow that will not cause any problems with the next ispconfig-release? Please send me a link to guide that I can follow. Thanks.
I got it to work, I had to do a manual install following the INSTALL.TXT. Everything began to work after that... Awesome!!! Thank you...