uploaded web files not accessable

Discussion in 'General' started by DTGorm, May 29, 2006.

  1. DTGorm

    DTGorm New Member

    Ok, created a new web for a user when I tried to access the web, it works good ... or seems to. When I go to login to the web FTP and upload say index.php to the web folder thats already there, i cannot access the index.php... furthermore, the index.html that is already there cannot be accessed in the browser... typing in host.site.tld/index.html says page not found

    Any ideas on this?
  2. DTGorm

    DTGorm New Member

    Double checked what i could find and seems that the directory that the website is running under in Fedora is not the same as the directory you access using web-ftp or a ftp client... weird
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. DTGorm

    DTGorm New Member

    thanks, ill check it out

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