First of all, thank you for a great pice of software! Some of my wishes for future realeses: -Mail user can use the web ftp feature for uploading web pages etc from the mailuser login (not to the main site but he users pages). -Better control over e-mail adresses, sorting alfa etc. -Hide the maidir when users logon to ftp (they don`t understand what it is). How about an option for using their web dir as ftp root... -Deny users to change to weak passwords (etc must have 6 char) -Ability to change the user web page path (etc from to -Ability to block all users from seeing stats (etc only admins) -Ability to give one mail user ekstra adresses he can configure self from mailuser login (great for isp`s with userpacks with 5 adresses, just give the user one adress and he gives himself the 4 other...) -Update and control spam/virus filter -Getting all logs sent as mail -Squirrelmail plugin Locking forward to future realeses!