Virtual Hosting With Proftpd And MySQL (Incl. Quota)

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by pontifex, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. neversfelde

    neversfelde Guest

    Very nice tutorial, everything works fine. Thanks for that.

    Is there a possibility to use apache's mod_userdir with the virtual users? It only works here, if the user is present in /etc/passwd so long.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    As far as I know, Apache cannot read from MySQL databases... :(
  3. ShinnRa

    ShinnRa New Member

    i've done everythin with this howto but when i type
    ftp localhost
    i got such response:
    root@rei:/home/dawid# ftp localhost
    Connected to localhost.localdomain.
    421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
    ftp> quit
    and here is my proftpd.log:
    root@rei:/var/log/proftpd# tail proftpd.log
    May 23 20:31:24 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[4004] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD 1.3.0 standalone mode SHUTDOWN
    May 23 20:38:53 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2755] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD 1.3.0 (stable) (built mar gen 2 10:57:47 CET 2007) standalone mode STARTUP
    May 24 01:33:50 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2755] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD killed (signal 15)
    May 24 01:33:50 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2755] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD 1.3.0 standalone mode SHUTDOWN
    May 25 07:27:36 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2706] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD 1.3.0 (stable) (built mar gen 2 10:57:47 CET 2007) standalone mode STARTUP
    May 25 08:17:55 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2706] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD killed (signal 15)
    May 25 08:17:55 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2706] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD 1.3.0 standalone mode SHUTDOWN
    May 25 08:17:58 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2935] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD 1.3.0 (stable) (built mar gen 2 10:57:47 CET 2007) standalone mode STARTUP
    May 25 10:26:35 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2935] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD killed (signal 15)
    May 25 10:26:35 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx proftpd[2935] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ProFTPD 1.3.0 standalone mode SHUTDOWN
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
    ? What's in /etc/hosts?
  5. peo

    peo New Member

    I got the same problem.

    this is my hosts file
    vz6:/var/log# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost
    # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    # (added automatically by netbase upgrade)
    ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
    ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
    and this is my proftpd.conf:

    # /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf -- This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file.
    # To really apply changes reload proftpd after modifications.
    # Includes DSO modules
    Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf
    # Set off to disable IPv6 support which is annoying on IPv4 only boxes.
    UseIPv6                         off
    ServerName                      "Debian"
    ServerType                      standalone
    DeferWelcome                    off
    MultilineRFC2228                on
    DefaultServer                   on
    ShowSymlinks                    on
    TimeoutNoTransfer               600
    TimeoutStalled                  600
    TimeoutIdle                     1200
    DisplayLogin                    welcome.msg
    DisplayFirstChdir               .message
    ListOptions                     "-l"
    DenyFilter                      \*.*/
    # Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
    Port                            21
    MaxInstances                    30
    # Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
    User                            ftpuser
    Group                           ftpgroup
    # Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new files and dirs
    # (second parm) from being group and world writable.
    Umask                           022  022
    # Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
    AllowOverwrite                  on
    # Uncomment this if you are using NIS or LDAP to retrieve passwords:
    # PersistentPasswd              off
    # Be warned: use of this directive impacts CPU average load!
    # Uncomment this if you like to see progress and transfer rate with ftpwho
    # in downloads. That is not needed for uploads rates.
    # UseSendFile                   off
    TransferLog /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
    SystemLog   /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
    <IfModule mod_tls.c>
    TLSEngine off
    <IfModule mod_quota.c>
    QuotaEngine on
    <IfModule mod_ratio.c>
    Ratios on
    # Delay engine reduces impact of the so-called Timing Attack described in
    # It is on by default. 
    <IfModule mod_delay.c>
    DelayEngine on
    <IfModule mod_ctrls.c>
    ControlsEngine        on
    ControlsMaxClients    2
    ControlsLog           /var/log/proftpd/controls.log
    ControlsInterval      5
    ControlsSocket        /var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock
    <IfModule mod_ctrls_admin.c>
    AdminControlsEngine on
    ## Configurazione per virtualhost
    DefaultRoot ~
    # The passwords in MySQL are encrypted using CRYPT
    SQLAuthTypes            Plaintext Crypt
    SQLAuthenticate         users* groups*
    # used to connect to the database
    # databasename@host database_user user_password
    SQLConnectInfo  ftp@localhost proftpd password
    # Here we tell ProFTPd the names of the database columns in the "usertable"
    # we want it to interact with. Match the names with those in the db
    SQLUserInfo     ftpuser userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
    # Here we tell ProFTPd the names of the database columns in the "grouptable"
    # we want it to interact with. Again the names match with those in the db
    SQLGroupInfo    ftpgroup groupname gid members
    # set min UID and GID - otherwise these are 999 each
    SQLMinID        500
    # create a user's home directory on demand if it doesn't exist
    SQLHomedirOnDemand on
    # Update count every time user logs in
    SQLLog PASS updatecount
    SQLNamedQuery updatecount UPDATE "count=count+1, accessed=now() WHERE userid='%u'" ftpuser
    # Update modified everytime user uploads or deletes a file
    SQLLog  STOR,DELE modified
    SQLNamedQuery modified UPDATE "modified=now() WHERE userid='%u'" ftpuser
    # User quotas
    # ===========
    QuotaEngine on
    QuotaDirectoryTally on
    QuotaDisplayUnits Mb
    QuotaShowQuotas on
    SQLNamedQuery get-quota-limit SELECT "name, quota_type, per_session, limit_type, bytes_in_avail, bytes_out_avail, bytes_xfer_avail, files_in_avail, files_out_avail, files_xfer_avail FROM ftpquotalimits WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
    SQLNamedQuery get-quota-tally SELECT "name, quota_type, bytes_in_used, bytes_out_used, bytes_xfer_used, files_in_used, files_out_used, files_xfer_used FROM ftpquotatallies WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
    SQLNamedQuery update-quota-tally UPDATE "bytes_in_used = bytes_in_used + %{0}, bytes_out_used = bytes_out_used + %{1}, bytes_xfer_used = bytes_xfer_used + %{2}, files_in_used = files_in_used + %{3}, files_out_used = files_out_used + %{4}, files_xfer_used = files_xfer_used + %{5} WHERE name = '%{6}' AND quota_type = '%{7}'" ftpquotatallies
    SQLNamedQuery insert-quota-tally INSERT "%{0}, %{1}, %{2}, %{3}, %{4}, %{5}, %{6}, %{7}" ftpquotatallies
    QuotaLimitTable sql:/get-quota-limit
    QuotaTallyTable sql:/get-quota-tally/update-quota-tally/insert-quota-tally
    RootLogin off
    RequireValidShell off
    any help?
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you add a line for your hostname to /etc/hosts (like
    Code: server1
    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
  7. peo

    peo New Member

    vz6:~# netstat -tap
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name   
    tcp        0      0 *:ftp                   *:*                     LISTEN     1951/proftpd: (acce 
    tcp        0      0 *:smtp                  *:*                     LISTEN     1398/smtpd          
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:10024 *:*                     LISTEN     21947/smtpd         
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:mysql *:*                     LISTEN     -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp catv-5984887d.catv:1221 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp p54BDA476.dip0.t-:64731 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:60629 localhost.localdo:mysql ESTABLISHED8141/proxymap       
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:60630 localhost.localdo:mysql ESTABLISHED8141/proxymap       
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp dsl-189-132-247-46:4591 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp       CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp executives-unlimit:4911 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CPE-65-27-32-14.kc:3985 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp      CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp dsl-189-132-247-46:2294 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp 20119188003.user.v:1082 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp catv-5984887d.catv:4837 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp p54BDA476.dip0.t-:61425 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CPE-65-27-32-14.kc:3503 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse. host33-158-dynami:50992 TIME_WAIT  -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp dsl-189-163-151-12:1982 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp 20119188003.user.v:3620 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp p54BDA476.dip0.t-:63890 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp executives-unlimit:3449 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp a83-132-203-183.cp:1259 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp catv-5984887d.catv:4504 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp mail2.edisontel.c:54952 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp dsl-189-148-11-226:2141 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp 20119188003.user.v:2677 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp catv-5984887d.catv:4265 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp dsl-189-132-247-46:4241 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp dsl-189-132-247-46:1429 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp 20119188003.user.v:4504 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp smtp-out2.libero.:34174 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp dsl-189-132-247-46:3439 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp host-205-241-35-1:60550 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp      CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp executives-unlimit:1929 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CPE-65-27-32-14.kc:4911 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp smtp-out2.libero.:51018 CLOSE_WAIT 1398/smtpd          
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp pool-72-76-99-72.:50539 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp      CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp catv-5984887d.catv:2309 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        0      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp catv-5984887d.catv:2309 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp smtp-out2.libero.:42549 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp dsl-189-163-151-12:4444 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp 20119188003.user.v:3011 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 localhost.localdo:10024 localhost.localdo:43516 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:mysql localhost.localdo:60630 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 localhost.localdo:10024 localhost.localdo:43517 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:mysql localhost.localdo:60629 ESTABLISHED-                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp      CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp chello062178038076:4745 CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp        1      0 reverse.69.12.222.:smtp CLOSE_WAIT -                   
    tcp6       0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN     21630/apache2       
    tcp6       0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN     30370/sshd          
    tcp6       0      0 *:imaps                 *:*                     LISTEN     9488/couriertcpd    
    tcp6       0      0 *:pop3s                 *:*                     LISTEN     24133/couriertcpd   
    tcp6       0      0 *:pop3                  *:*                     LISTEN     24035/couriertcpd   
    tcp6       0      0 *:imap2                 *:*                     LISTEN     9414/couriertcpd    
    tcp6       0   2736 reverse. host33-158-dynami:50982 ESTABLISHED26524/0 
  8. ShinnRa

    ShinnRa New Member

    And thi is my /etc/hosts
    root@rei:/etc/proftpd# cat /etc/hosts       localhost.localdomain localhost
    #  rei  rei
    # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
    ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
    proftpd.conf (password nulled :p )
    root@rei:/etc/proftpd# cat proftpd.conf
    Include				/etc/proftpd/modules.conf
    UseIPv6				off
    ServerName			"Ayanami FTP Server"
    ServerType			Standalone
    ServerAdmin			root@host
    # Hide as much as possible to outside users
    ServerIdent			on	"Welcome to the FTP server. Please login..."
    DeferWelcome			on
    DefaultServer			on
    AllowStoreRestart		on
    Port				21
    MultilineRFC2228		on
    ShowSymlinks			on
    TimeoutNoTransfer		600
    TimeoutStalled			600
    TimeoutIdle			1200
    DisplayLogin			welcome.msg
    DisplayFirstChdir		.message
    ListOptions			"-l"
    Umask				022 022
    MaxInstances			30
    User				ftpuser
    Group				ftpgroup
    AllowOverwrite			on
    DenyFilter			\*.*/
    DefaultRoot			~
    <IfModule mod_tls.c>
    TLSEngine 			off
    <IfModule mod_quota.c>
    QuotaEngine			on
    <IfModule mod_ratio.c>
    Ratios				on
    # Delay engine reduces impact of the so-called Timing Attack described in
    # It is on by default.
    <IfModule mod_delay.c>
    DelayEngine 			on
    <IfModule mod_ctrls.c>
    ControlsEngine 			on
    ControlsMaxClients    		2
    ControlsLog           		/var/log/proftpd/controls.log
    ControlsInterval      		5
    ControlsSocket        		/var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock
    <IfModule mod_ctrls_admin.c>
    AdminControlsEngine 		on
    # Logging options
    TransferLog			/var/log/proftpd.xferlog
    # Some logging formats
    LogFormat			default	"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
    LogFormat			auth	"%v [%P] %h %t \"%r\" %s"
    LogFormat			write	"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
    # Log file/dir access
    ExtendedLog			/var/log/proftpd/access.log	WRITE,READ	write
    # Record all logins
    ExtendedLog			/var/log/proftpd/auth.log	AUTH		auth
    # Paranoia logging level....
    ExtendedLog			/var/log/proftpd/paranoid.log	ALL		default
    SyslogLevel			debug
    SystemLog			/var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
    # The passwords in MySQL are encrypted using CRYPT
    SQLAuthTypes			Plaintext Crypt
    SQLAuthenticate			users* groups*
    # used to connect to the database
    # databasename@host database_user user_password
    SQLConnectInfo			server_data@localhost proftpd xxxxxxxx
    # Here we tell ProFTPd the names of the database columns in the "usertable"
    # we want it to interact with. Match the names with those in the db
    SQLUserInfo			ftpuser userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
    # Here we tell ProFTPd the names of the database columns in the "grouptable"
    # we want it to interact with. Again the names match with those in the db
    SQLGroupInfo			ftpgroup groupname gid members
    # set min UID and GID - otherwise these are 999 each
    SQLMinID			500
    # create a user's home directory on demand if it doesn't exist
    SQLHomedirOnDemand		on
    # Update count every time user logs in
    SQLLog				PASS updatecount
    SQLNamedQuery			updatecount UPDATE "count=count+1, accessed=now() WHERE userid='%u'" ftpuser
    # Update modified everytime user uploads or deletes a file
    SQLLog				STOR,DELE modified
    SQLNamedQuery			modified UPDATE "modified=now() WHERE userid='%u'" ftpuser
    # User quotas
    # ===========
    QuotaEngine 			on
    QuotaDirectoryTally		on
    QuotaDisplayUnits		Mb
    QuotaShowQuotas			on
    SQLNamedQuery			get-quota-limit SELECT "name, quota_type, per_session, limit_type, bytes_in_avail, bytes_out_avail, bytes_xfer_avail, files_in_avail, files_out_avail, files_xfer_avail FROM ftpquotalimits  WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
    SQLNamedQuery			get-quota-tally SELECT "name, quota_type, bytes_in_used, bytes_out_used, bytes_xfer_used, files_in_used, files_out_used, files_xfer_used FROM ftpquotatallies WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
    SQLNamedQuery			update-quota-tally UPDATE "bytes_in_used = bytes_in_used + %{0}, bytes_out_used = bytes_out_used + %{1}, bytes_xfer_used = bytes_xfer_used + %{2}, files_in_used = files_in_used + %{3}, files_out_used = files_out_used + %{4}, files_xfer_used = files_xfer_used + %{5} WHERE name = '%{6}' AND quota_type = '%{7}'" ftpquotatallies
    SQLNamedQuery			insert-quota-tally INSERT "%{0}, %{1}, %{2}, %{3}, %{4}, %{5}, %{6}, %{7}" ftpquotatallies
    QuotaLimitTable			sql:/get-quota-limit
    QuotaTallyTable			sql:/get-quota-tally/update-quota-tally/insert-quota-tally
    RootLogin			off
    RequireValidShell		off
    SQLNamedQuery			gettally SELECT "ROUND((bytes_in_used/1048576),2) FROM ftpquotatallies WHERE name='%u'"
    SQLNamedQuery			getlimit SELECT "ROUND((bytes_in_avail/1048576),2) FROM ftpquotalimits WHERE name='%u'"
    SQLNamedQuery			getfree SELECT "ROUND(((ftpquotalimits.bytes_in_avail-ftpquotatallies.bytes_in_used)/1048576),2) FROM ftpquotalimits,ftpquotatallies WHERE = '%u' AND = '%u'"
    SQLShowInfo			LIST "226" "Used %{gettally}MB from %{getlimit}MB. You have %{getfree}MB available space."
    and output of netstat -tap
    root@rei:/etc/proftpd# netstat -tap
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0 *:3496                  *:*                     LISTEN     2669/rpc.statd
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:10024 *:*                     LISTEN     2167/amavisd (maste
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:10025 *:*                     LISTEN     2590/master
    tcp        0      0 *:mysql                 *:*                     LISTEN     2238/mysqld
    tcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                     LISTEN     1832/portmap
    tcp        0      0 *:auth                  *:*                     LISTEN     2532/inetd
    tcp        0      0 *:ftp                   *:*                     LISTEN     3287/proftpd: (acce
    tcp        0      0    *:*                     LISTEN     2108/named
    tcp        0      0    *:*                     LISTEN     2108/named
    tcp        0      0 localhost.locald:domain *:*                     LISTEN     2108/named
    tcp        0      0 *:smtp                  *:*                     LISTEN     2590/master
    tcp        0      0 localhost.localdoma:953 *:*                     LISTEN     2108/named
    tcp6       0      0 *:imaps                 *:*                     LISTEN     2499/couriertcpd
    tcp6       0      0 *:pop3s                 *:*                     LISTEN     2516/couriertcpd
    tcp6       0      0 *:pop3                  *:*                     LISTEN     2504/couriertcpd
    tcp6       0      0 *:imap2                 *:*                     LISTEN     2487/couriertcpd
    tcp6       0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN     3749/apache2
    tcp6       0      0 *:81                    *:*                     LISTEN     3749/apache2
    tcp6       0      0 *:domain                *:*                     LISTEN     2108/named
    tcp6       0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN     2619/sshd
    tcp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:953       *:*                     LISTEN     2108/named
    tcp6       0      0 *:https                 *:*                     LISTEN     3749/apache2
    tcp6       0    296 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED3772/sshd: dawid [p
  9. SkY`

    SkY` New Member

    Hi all,
    I've a problem with my proftp/mysql interaction: i have 3 users defined in the 2 tables of the database, but only one of these works when I'm trying to connect with my ftp server. What can I do? Should I post some config files?

    Thank you for help,
  10. ShinnRa

    ShinnRa New Member

    check You /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log if there is any info about it...
  11. SkY`

    SkY` New Member

    I checked.
    From the "client" I do this:
    sky@Lara:~$ ftp
    Connected to
    220 ProFTPD 1.3.0 Server (Debian) []
    Name ( master
    331 Password required for master.
    530 Login incorrect.
    Login failed.
    And the log records:
    Last edited: May 31, 2007
  12. ShinnRa

    ShinnRa New Member

    This line explains everything:
    May 31 23:40:07 proftpd[19528] ([]): USER master (Login failed): No such user
    it looks like you dont have user called "master" or you have it but in the db it contains whitespaces...
  13. SkY`

    SkY` New Member

    Yes, but there is an user named 'master' in both the 'ftpquotalimits' and 'ftpuser' tables...
  14. aquadraht

    aquadraht New Member

    Login doesn't work

    I configured my proftpd/mysql as described in the howto but now have the problem that ftp logins do not work.
    As long as the Shell is set to "/sbin/nologin", login does not work. In debian etch /sbin/nologin does not exist, but /usr/sbin/nologin, changing the shell in mysql doesn't have an effect, changing it to /bin/false also not.
    Only when I change the shell to /bin/bash the login works.

    What am I doing wrong?

  15. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It seems that your Proftpd expects system users, not virtual users. Please make sure that your setup is exactly like the one from the tutorial (check for typos, etc.).
  16. aquadraht

    aquadraht New Member

    Dear Falko,

    thanks for your reply. I couldn't find typos, I copied the config from the howto into my files. See my conf:

    [root@jupiter ~]# cat /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
    # /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf -- This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file.
    # To really apply changes reload proftpd after modifications.
    # Includes DSO modules
    Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf
    # Set off to disable IPv6 support which is annoying on IPv4 only boxes.
    UseIPv6                         off
    ServerName                      "Debian"
    ServerType                      standalone
    DeferWelcome                    off
    MultilineRFC2228                on
    DefaultServer                   on
    ShowSymlinks                    on
    TimeoutNoTransfer               600
    TimeoutStalled                  600
    TimeoutIdle                     1200
    DisplayLogin                    welcome.msg
    DisplayFirstChdir               .message
    ListOptions                     "-l"
    DenyFilter                      \*.*/
    # Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
    Port                            21
    # In some cases you have to specify passive ports range to by-pass
    # firewall limitations. Ephemeral ports can be used for that, but
    # feel free to use a more narrow range.
    # PassivePorts                    49152 65534
    # To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
    # to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
    # at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
    # in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
    # that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
    # (such as xinetd)
    MaxInstances                    30
    # Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
    User                            proftpd
    Group                           nogroup
    # Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new files and dirs
    # (second parm) from being group and world writable.
    Umask                           022  022
    # Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
    AllowOverwrite                  on
    # Uncomment this if you are using NIS or LDAP to retrieve passwords:
    # PersistentPasswd              off
    # Be warned: use of this directive impacts CPU average load!
    # Uncomment this if you like to see progress and transfer rate with ftpwho
    # in downloads. That is not needed for uploads rates.
    # UseSendFile                   off
    TransferLog /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
    SystemLog   /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
    <IfModule mod_tls.c>
    TLSEngine off
    <IfModule mod_quota.c>
    QuotaEngine on
    <IfModule mod_ratio.c>
    Ratios on
    # Delay engine reduces impact of the so-called Timing Attack described in
    # It is on by default.
    <IfModule mod_delay.c>
    DelayEngine on
    <IfModule mod_ctrls.c>
    ControlsEngine        on
    ControlsMaxClients    2
    ControlsLog           /var/log/proftpd/controls.log
    ControlsInterval      5
    ControlsSocket        /var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock
    <IfModule mod_ctrls_admin.c>
    AdminControlsEngine on
    # A basic anonymous configuration, no upload directories.
    # <Anonymous ~ftp>
    #   User                                ftp
    #   Group                               nogroup
    #   # We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "ftp"
    #   UserAlias                   anonymous ftp
    #   # Cosmetic changes, all files belongs to ftp user
    #   DirFakeUser on ftp
    #   DirFakeGroup on ftp
    #   RequireValidShell           off
    #   # Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins
    #   MaxClients                  10
    #   # We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, and '.message' displayed
    #   # in each newly chdired directory.
    #   DisplayLogin                        welcome.msg
    #   DisplayFirstChdir           .message
    #   # Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot
    #   <Directory *>
    #     <Limit WRITE>
    #       DenyAll
    #     </Limit>
    #   </Directory>
    #   # Uncomment this if you're brave.
    #   # <Directory incoming>
    #   #   # Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new files and dirs
    #   #   # (second parm) from being group and world writable.
    #   #   Umask                           022  022
    #   #            <Limit READ WRITE>
    #   #            DenyAll
    #   #            </Limit>
    #   #            <Limit STOR>
    #   #            AllowAll
    #   #            </Limit>
    #   # </Directory>
    # </Anonymous>
    DefaultRoot ~
    # The passwords in MySQL are encrypted using CRYPT
    SQLAuthTypes            Plaintext Crypt
    SQLAuthenticate         users groups
    # used to connect to the database
    # databasename@host database_user user_password
    SQLConnectInfo  ftp@localhost proftpd 3CL3BM7cVfuAzrJn
    # Here we tell ProFTPd the names of the database columns in the "usertable"
    # we want it to interact with. Match the names with those in the db
    SQLUserInfo     ftpuser userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
    # Here we tell ProFTPd the names of the database columns in the "grouptable"
    # we want it to interact with. Again the names match with those in the db
    SQLGroupInfo    ftpgroup groupname gid members
    # set min UID and GID - otherwise these are 999 each
    SQLMinID        500
    # create a user's home directory on demand if it doesn't exist
    SQLHomedirOnDemand on
    # Update count every time user logs in
    SQLLog PASS updatecount
    SQLNamedQuery updatecount UPDATE "count=count+1, accessed=now() WHERE userid='%u'" ftpuser
    # Update modified everytime user uploads or deletes a file
    SQLLog  STOR,DELE modified
    SQLNamedQuery modified UPDATE "modified=now() WHERE userid='%u'" ftpuser
    # User quotas
    # ===========
    QuotaEngine on
    QuotaDirectoryTally on
    QuotaDisplayUnits Mb
    QuotaShowQuotas on
    SQLNamedQuery get-quota-limit SELECT "name, quota_type, per_session, limit_type, bytes_in_avail, bytes_out_avail, bytes_xfer_                                 avail, files_in_avail, files_out_avail, files_xfer_avail FROM ftpquotalimits WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
    SQLNamedQuery get-quota-tally SELECT "name, quota_type, bytes_in_used, bytes_out_used, bytes_xfer_used, files_in_used, files_                                 out_used, files_xfer_used FROM ftpquotatallies WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
    SQLNamedQuery update-quota-tally UPDATE "bytes_in_used = bytes_in_used + %{0}, bytes_out_used = bytes_out_used + %{1}, bytes_                                 xfer_used = bytes_xfer_used + %{2}, files_in_used = files_in_used + %{3}, files_out_used = files_out_used + %{4}, files_xfer_                                 used = files_xfer_used + %{5} WHERE name = '%{6}' AND quota_type = '%{7}'" ftpquotatallies
    SQLNamedQuery insert-quota-tally INSERT "%{0}, %{1}, %{2}, %{3}, %{4}, %{5}, %{6}, %{7}" ftpquotatallies
    QuotaLimitTable sql:/get-quota-limit

  17. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    And the MySQL username and password are correct?
    Does the virtual user exist also as a system user?

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