Hi, I just download the The_Perfect_Server_-_Ubuntu_9.10_x86_64__ISPConfig_2_.zip The_Perfect_Server_-_Ubuntu_9.10_x86_64__ISPConfig_3_.zip VMware image, I try to run it on a Server 2.0.1 direct or after Convert procedure with or without upgrade to version 7 In all the situation, after feew second I recive the error "The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. You will need to power off or reset the virtual machine at this point." I find a lot on google, vmware etc but.... I am still with black consolle Any specific suggest from the Author of the VMW Image
Take a look here: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=101