When I select the Web-FTP interface all I get is a / in the left hand side. When I try to log in with the eigther Admin account of Client account I get "Invalid format of web_id." Anybody know what could possibly be doing this?
Ok well this is wierd. I can log into Web-FTP with my Linux username and password only. The folder I get for FTP is /desktop and that is it. I can't log in with ANY of the accounts I create... Wierd...
Yes, I even checked Ananoymous FTP just to double check. I'm not sure what the problem could be. No account I create works.
OK I am really dumb. I finally figured it out. I'm so sorry for wasting your time. I just realized I needed to add a new user for each site in order to access FTP. I just assumed the each new client you create has access to the FTP services. Anyway thank you. <3 CombatGod