webalizer cron msg annoyance

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by domino, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. domino

    domino New Member

    I keep getting this msg. I assume that it's normal because I haven't rotated my logs yet. If I am mistaken, how can I dissolve this problem?

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do your statistics get generated anyway?
  3. domino

    domino New Member

    Yes, they are generated regardsless the mesages. Just annoyed with countless messages. Maybe i'll do a filter on the messages and ignore it.
  4. jamesh

    jamesh New Member

    I have this same problem- always seeing

    Error: Skipping oversized log record
    in the cron logs. I've read that running webalizer in "really quiet mode" can stop this, so I've edited my /etc/webalizer.conf and added

    ReallyQuiet     yes

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