I had the same problem as mentioned above.... I only noticed after the logs.php script started spitting out 'File Size Exceeds Limit'. I figured out that the web.log of one of my sites had hit the max 2gb filesystem limit. I cleared it, ran the logs.php again and got the readlink error for localhost. To get around it I created the site localhost in ispconfig, and also created a symlink to that localhost dir. I had to make the symlink because ispconfig would only create a symlink for www.localhost. Once I did this, the logs.php went through without a problem (got rid of the warning readlink error). One of my sites does around 9,000,000 pages per month... the logs average over 200MB per day. Does any of the scripts cull the logs in /var/log/httpd? Or should I be doing this manually? How soon after the current day can I remove the ispconfig access file? thanks
/root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/logs.php uses the main Apache log file /var/log/httpd/access.log or /var/log/apache/access.log (depends on your distribution) and splits it into seperate log files for each web site. You can remove it the next day.
Erros in /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch line 683 Zoon, did you get your logwatch errors from cron.daily fixed at all? I have tried installing FC4 with ISPConfig few times in past 4 months and few days after installation I start getting following error and then ISPConfig gets messed up which Falko believes can be Segmentation fault but I couldn't fully diagnose or fix. Since last couple of days I have started getting following error again. This time I have not enabled yum nightly updates so there shouldn't be anything changed on system. Use of uninitialized value in numeric le (<=) at /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch line 683 Any idea?
Nope I have no idea whats causing it, I just delete them I can't even see where the task is being run, but then I didn't look into it much!