Hi, I have a website running on a hosting company. My website has a contact form. and works perfect on this hosting company. Now i have installed the website on my own server debian with ispconfig 3, everything works perfect also the databases etc. The only thing that not works is sending mails with the contact form. How can i solve this problem? Regards Rob
Hi, I try also to sent a mail from Roundcube (what is running under ispconfig) to my ISP mail adres. In the mail.log i get error more than one IP errors like [82.215.xx.xx] :25 connection time out It looks that port 25 is blocked by my isp. Can i change somewhere the port to another port? Regards Rob
If you have another mail host/service outside your local network, you can set 'relayhost' in ispconfig System Config > Mail settings to relay there. If not and you're trying to run a mail server on your ispconfig box and be able to email anywhere, then no, you're out of luck, as sending mail will require port 25 to be open.
Hi, Yes, i have another mail host/service outside my local network, and i have try this in ispconfig System Config > Mail settings to relay. But no succes. Are these setting correct? Are there also other things to configure? Regards Rob
Hi, thanks a lot, now i can send mails with Roundcube. The only think dat not works is sending mail from a website that runs under ispconfig. This mail form. uses port 25 and i cannot change is, how to solve this problem? Thanks Jesse for your replay
I guess must have disabled the local postfix instance then as postfix is always listening on localhost port 25, it does not matter if you use an external relay server for that.
Hello, problem solved. The free domain with the DNS settings from .tk dit not work properly. I chanced to a domain from godaddy, and it is now working.