websites domain addon and application path problem.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by strang3r, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. strang3r

    strang3r Member


    I have added a domain name with admin privilege from Websites > Add New Website

    But each time I visit that domain it is redirecting me to

    and not at

    How may I fix this?.

    I am using SuEXEC , FastCgi , Apache

    Also I tried to install an application using app installer. After selecting an app from available apps > Install this package

    I am seeing Install Location with http(s)://

    Which I cannot select or change to http://

    does it support both protocol or only https?.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Edit the file:


    and remove the lines:

    DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail

    and then restart apache.

    The option "http(s)://" means that http and https is supported.
  3. strang3r

    strang3r Member

    It works!

    Yep. Just got that message it works!

    :) thank you very much its working. You are amazing! :p

    By the way I had this warning when I reloaded Apache.

    [....] Reloading web server config: apache2[Mon Dec 01 11:52:11 2014] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:443 has no VirtualHosts
    Is this any major issue?.

    Also, Just a topic from another thread of mine could you please check on this fail2bind issue?. I am not yet able to fix it and running ispconfig on that failing stage..
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats ok. This message is a bit misleading by apache. It basically means "apache is configured to host http and https sites but no https site has been added yet."

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