What are the correct permisssions for private and web folder

Discussion in 'General' started by thorewi, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Arien

    Arien New Member

    As far as I know, Till is telling us it can't be a "pure" permission problem, because if Nginx can't access the /web folder, it will not show you anything but an error message as server response.

    So, we know it's not what is hapening here, our servers are showing webs normally, but with the new error messages we are talking about.

    The fastest way to fix it is changing permissions to 750, but there must be any "hidden" problem with new versions of Nginx, that is preventing 710 to work as expected.

    If I my memory it's not failing, I remember having same error log problem with one web folder that is plain html, and without try_uri needed to work, given Permission Denied on every GET, but working ok.

    Can you try with a plain html web, without try_uri in nginx directive?

    Anyway, it's a mess having to renounce to web isolation, but how can we change permanently permission to 750?

    Thank you again.
  2. thorewi

    thorewi New Member

    I tried it already and the problem is in try_files (pure html is working)... also it's problem only on homepage, on subpages it's already ok.
  3. Arien

    Arien New Member

    Ok, I'm sorry for the mistake.
    Did you try changing try_uri format?
    Right now I don't have access to my server, will try and report.
  4. thorewi

    thorewi New Member

    What do you mean by "try_uri"? I don't know if there are other possibilities than those already mentioned.

    also look if you have nginx:nginx user:group in your /etc/passwd (etc/group)
  5. Arien

    Arien New Member

    My mistake, I mean try_files.
    Will look later to nginx:nginx

    I have searched for nginx:nginx both /etc/passwd and /etc/group and I don't have any of them listed.

    Talking about try_files, there are diferent options to try:
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$request_uri; --> general use, the one I have in my server, giving the "Permission Denied"
    try_files $uri /index.php?q=$request_uri; --> tried with the same results
    try_files $uri $uri/ index.php?q=$request_uri; --> tried without success, 404 errors

    There are many others that will or not work...
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  7. Arien

    Arien New Member

    Thanks Till.

    Just applied it, Rsync ISPConfig and the erros are gone!!!

    Thank you very much!!!

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