What is BASH?

Discussion in 'Linux Beginners' started by David McNickle, Jan 23, 2021.

  1. David McNickle

    David McNickle New Member

    Hello all, I'm currently a student trying to get their associates degree in cyber security and in their first Linux course (which I really don't have much experience in) and I have herd BASH being tossed about a lot. At first I thought, it was some kind of scripting/coding language but, then I see it being compared to DOS. So I guess my question is what is BASH? How important is BASH to Linux? and how if it is extremely important, if there is any books or on line videos I should read or watch to get a better understanding. Thank you for any help.
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  3. Donald D Bishop III

    Donald D Bishop III New Member

    IM new to cyber world, need some good baseline commands for Linux. don't much about virtual machines yet, can anyone recommend A easy one to start with? Im also getting error code on ubunto cant seem to figure it out error code 0x8007019e
  4. Donald D Bishop III

    Donald D Bishop III New Member

    developed by Stephen Belle at belle labs.] [born again shell]
    What is your name?
    Zara Ali
    Hello, Zara Ali

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