I am using ISPConfig Version: 3.0.5. city in ispconfig3 debian7 apache2 Where do I get? ---- BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST ----- ----- END CERTIFICATE REQUEST ----- I get this error by leaving incomplete Request SSL is blank http://startssl.com only gave me the key and certificate, but not CSR
Fill out the first fields from the top until ssl domain, then select "create certificate" as action and press save, then wait one minute until your new self signed ssl cert incl. a new csr has been created.
This is the key and certificate generated startssl.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I think the certificate ispconfig 3 and hope five minutes replacement then the key and certificate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ after 2 hours the save button had no effect from other computers look the same
The key is generated by ispconfig, by using a external key you have the risk of a ssl key / cert mismatch and then the ssl cert is rejected by apache like in your case. The steps to use a signed ssl cert are these: 1) Create a self signed ssl cert like I outlined above. 2) use the csr generated by ispconfig and let it sign by your ssl authority. Do not create a new ssl cert / key pair outside of ispconfig. 3) copy the ssl cert that you get back from your ssl authority into the ssl cert box in ispconfig. select "save certificate" as action and press save.
Hi Till, I followed all the steps of http://blog.giuseppeurso.net/free-ssl-certificate-to-ispconfig-website-with-startssl-how-to/ But still can not install StartSSL you don't want to save I've tried with GlobalSSL settled immediately, while StartSSL does not want to save the .crt web is https://muaja.com These are two certificates https://muaja.com/cert/GlobalSSL.crt https://muaja.com/cert/StartSSL.crt help