Hello All, I'm using ISPConfig 3 and created many sites, some of them do directory-listing, which means "Indexes" option is active and some DO NOT do directory-listing means "Indexes" option is inactive. The weird thing in this behaviour is, I DID NOT make any explicit change/edit to any of the mentioned sites (that do listing or the others). In trying to figure out what is the difference, I compared two vhost files for two sites. I found that one do directory-listing has the directive "Options +FollowSymLinks" and the other which not listing has "Options FollowSymLinks". That is mean the one has the "+" inherits the option "Indexes" from some where. I expected this is found in Apache global configuration file "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" and did not found it there. My question is from where does ispconfig vhost inherits this option "Indexes" ? Notes: - I know about the ispconfig vhost template "/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/vhost.conf.master" and I do not want to edit it manually. - I do not want to disable the module autoindex. - This is a default installation of "ISPConfig" on "Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS". Thanks in advance.
There is no ispconfig specific defaults for this option. The defaults are the settings of your operating system, in your case the defaults from Ubuntu.
Thank you for quick respose Till . Where can i check/search for this option if it is not found in apache global config file? By the way, making the vhost tempate without the "+" is better.