Which distribution for a server

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by ColdDoT, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. ColdDoT

    ColdDoT Member


    i have setted up a server on SuSe 10 but ther are some problems.
    with mail. and i have only read tuts for other distrubutions.
    so i tought why not change distrubution.

    so what i want to run on a server
    --webserver (got very lot of experiance on windows----
    -php4 and php5
    -asp(as it can?)
    -virtual derictories
    -ftp(pureftpd with virtual users(mysql))
    -mail server (smtp,pop,imap with virtual users(mysql))

    So ho knows the best linux distrubution for this
    i am a linux noob so it is the handyst if for everything is a tutorial

    So who can help me out pleaz.
    greets ColdDoT
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    For servers i can recommend DEBIAN or if you need some newer packages the UBUNTU server linux.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. paxo

    paxo New Member

    I have set up a few srevers using Linux, but I have used specific Server setups.

    I use Mitels server distro. It is command line ish, but if you know what it is asking it os very easy to set up. Once you have your server running all the administration is done via a web application like Firefox etc.

    You can have a look at www.contribs.org

    I hope this helps.

  5. gg234

    gg234 New Member

    debain is best on servers

    i would really suggest debian because i am running 15 debian servers without any problem.If you want to setup your debian server follow this tutorial really nice one

  6. ColdDoT

    ColdDoT Member

    So debian it wil be
    Thans for all poeple
    but whith version must i get?
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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